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Forum Posts

Changing the explorer to HTTP Basic Auth

Helloin order to support some sort of single sign on concept (our own, where the login is done at the "/" URL of an apache using mod_proxy, and after that every URL like /mail, /news, /cms is forwarded from the apache to another application which use...

alr by Champ in-the-making
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Open Office läuft nicht

Hi @all,ich hab auf meiner CentOS 5.0 Maschine ein Alfresco 3.0 Installiert. Es läuft soweit alles, bis auf das OpenOffice:17:19:26,826 INFO  [org.alfresco.config.xml.XMLConfigService$PropertyConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resour...

[Résolu] dump à chaque arrêt

Bonjour,J'utilise Alfresco Labs 3d sur windows et à chaque fois que je l'arrête via alf_stop.bat, il me génère un fichier alf-backstop-date.dmp qui contient :Alfresco Shutdown Backstop Dump, time:20090306120707Thread Group: system  Max Priority: 10  ...

ccoue by Champ in-the-making
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Empty Document Detail Page

I'm running Alfresco 3 Labs on Linux. The Document Library and upload appears to work fine. I can create folders, load documents, and edit the meta on the document while in the library view. I can see thumbnails of images, txt, and pdf, but not OOo o...

dbrickner by Champ in-the-making
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add email alias from LDAP to HomeFolder

Hi everyone,I want to import user from an existing LDAP directory and auto-create their home folder (folder name = uid) in the process. The folder should also have an email alias with the users email adress from LDAP. My goal is to use alfresco as an...

murph81 by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS Anmeldung klappt nicht

Habe die aktuelle Labs 3 Version neu installiert und bekomme die CIFS Anmeldung nicht hin, sehe vermutlich "den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht".Sieht jemand den Wald ;-)DANKETorstenLOG-FileMi 18. Mär 09:06:33 CET 2009 Starting Alfresco …09:07:43,770 I...

torsten_e by Champ in-the-making
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WCM - Intégration d'un site

Salut tout le monde,Situation : Je suis en entreprise et alfresco est installé sur mon serveur.Quelqu'un peut - il m'expliquer les grandes lignes de l'intégration d'un site dans alfresco.MerciRobux

robux by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco installation with Liferay

Hi,  Do we have any guide to follow for installation and configuration of Alfresco with liferay .Alfresco version is 3.0 E.So what is the compatible version of liferay and could someone please let me know if we can get some guide on the same?Thanks,R...

radhika by Champ in-the-making
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Which WS/API is best for my use case?

Hi,As an alfresco newbie, I'm looking for some advice on the following.I've been asked to test-drive alfresco as a CMS system, which went great so far. The next step would be to see if the alfresco repository can be integrated with our marketing plat...

syberyan by Champ in-the-making
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