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Forum Posts

ERROR Nodos inexistentes

Buenas, hoy de buena mañana llego y me vuelvo a encontrar, al entrar en mi alfresco, con el ya repetido error de node not exist y la referencia al nodo en cuestion, y no hay manera de salir de esa pantalla de ninguna manera, ni de poder entrar en la ...

giorgio by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS 3.2 - Can't map drive Windows 7 but ftp works

I have 3.2 installed on a Debian 5.3 server. It seems to function perfectly except for one issue. I am unable to use CIFS to map a network drive on a Windows workstation in the same workgroup. FTP works fine. I've turned the firewall off on the serve...

dc41 by Champ in-the-making
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RSS formats supported by the RSS Dashlet

Hi all,I was about to configure the RSS Dashlet with a custom RSS feed from German Website "Heise Online". But it looks like neither of the different RSS formats they offer is accepted by the RSS Dashlet - it always says "No news items".I have tested...

vdietmar by Champ in-the-making
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Configuration du dir.root avec un chemin réseau

Bonjour,j'essaie de changer le chemin du dir.root dans custom-repository-context.xml.Tout d'abord, est-ce qu'il faut juste changer ce chemin ou, il y a-t-il d'autres fichiers de configuration à modifier? quelque a-t-il une procédure complète pour mig...

miroufsn by Champ in-the-making
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How to execute the web scrpt from HTML File

I created web script (JS, Description and Reponse template) in alfresco. If i specify the URL of the webscript in the browser (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/events/get), i am getting the proper response.My question is how we can execute the ...

creddy2001 by Champ in-the-making
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Erreur Context initialization failed

Bonjour,J'ai essayé de suivre pas à pas le doc d'installation de la dernière version d'alfresco mais apparemment cela ne fonctionne pas très bien pour moi, j'ai du manqué qqch.Je suis sous CentOS, une variante de RedHat. J'ai modifié :- le script de ...

versus68 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Share complex workflow

Hi, For couple of years we've been working with Alfresco 2.9, using workflows to manage contents. We want to migrate to version 3.2 and we want to know wheter there is a similar mechanism to define complex workflows.Thanks in advance, Sebastian

sgoni by Champ in-the-making
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inserting images in blog

Hi,How can I insert an image from my 'document library' into my blog page?In the wiki editor it is available, but not in blog or discussion, any idea?

lees by Champ in-the-making
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Getting Request value inside Template file

Hi All,I am trying to get "Request value" inside the FreeMarker Template file, but if i try to use  ${RequestParameters['test']}or ${RequestParameters.test},Ref Link to get Request value in FreeMarker Template file:

vesuinfo by Champ in-the-making
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Exception when trying to create a new calendar event

Hullo,  while trying to create a calendar event by using a small java-developed HTTP client, I am getting the following exception:Message: Wrapped Exception (with status template): Error during processing of the template 'Expression result is undefin...

emp_tyres by Champ in-the-making
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