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Forum Posts

Managing Permissions in WCM Module

The need : we want to be able to restrict some portions of a Web site in the WCM to specific groups/users.1. Is it possible to activate the "Manage Content/Space Users" action for content stored in the WCM ? If not, is this feature part of your plann...

Does real-time(or close to) syncing exist?

Hello everyone,I am new to Alfresco, and am having problems trying to find information/guides on configuring 2 separate Alf installations to "sync" their information, so that both databases/content/indexes are the same.  I have been searching topics ...

usuf by Champ in-the-making
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Personnaliser Advanced Search avec un modèle custom

Bonjour à tous,Je souhaite personnaliser le "Advanced search" avec mes propriétés custom.Pour ajouter les propriétés, pas de problèmes, jai ajouté :<!– recherche avancee avec model custom –>  <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Advanced Sea...

tcaiati by Champ in-the-making
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Login page error

Just update surf from svn and I have this error when I try to access to is the problem ?Thanks.2 oct. 2009 10:58:58 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext logINFO: org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.uti...

cytrix by Champ in-the-making
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SURF - webscripts et accès au repository d'Alfresco

Bonjour,Je m'amuse un peu avec le framework SURF en ce moment .J'ai créé un petit site de test avec quelques composants ftl, basé sur l'excellent tutorial ici : le répertoire tomcat de ...

cytrix by Champ in-the-making
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añadir accion en la pantalla browsea

Buenas, queria saber, com puedo mostrar la accion editar propiedades del documento pero directamente sobre la pantalla browse, es decir donde se listan los documentos del espacio, igual que hay un borrar, un descargar, etc, etc, poner una opcion tamb...

giorgio by Champ in-the-making
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Deleting site or content

Hi,I have 3,2 alfresco community. and I have problem if I want to delete site or directiories inside this site.In the log I found ERROR:09:34:39,647 ERROR [org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntime] Exception from executeScript - redirecting to status...

maryush by Champ in-the-making
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Comment créer un site share en utilisant l'API REST ?

Bonjour,A l'aide de PERL, j'essaie vainement de créer un site SHARE en utilisant l'API REST (cf. entre autres). J'ai codé le programme PERL suivant :use warnings;use strict;use HTTP::Request::Co...

FTP - empty directory listing

Hello,I am running Alfresco Labs 3 on a CentOS 5.2 system.  I deployed the WAR package on Tomcat 5.5.  I am to the point where I have logged in, created users, created spaces, imported zips, etc.  A few problems, but for the most part it is working.O...

blackened by Champ in-the-making
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