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Alfresco - Multiple mount point

Hello, I need one help in Alfresco for multiple mount point. I know we can configure root directory in file, but can we configure alfresco for multiple root directories? Presently we are facing probl...

kugirish by Champ in-the-making
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Plugin Word --> lien vers document

Bonjour,J'ai installé le plugin word 2003, sur mon poste avec Office 2007, apparemment ça fonctionne quand même !!Je fais un document word, et je veux inséré un lien hypertexte pointant vers un autre document déjà dans Alfresco .Alors je parcours mon...

hlander10 by Champ in-the-making
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Documentos con nombre en 'Japonés'

Haciendo pruebas con alfresco para almacenar documentos de un servicio de traducción, nos hemos encontrado con un problema al crear documentos o carpetas con nombre en japonés (Ej. 日本語 )Alfresco deja crear el documento o la carpeta, pero nos muestra ...

Upload de document en https

Bonjour,j'ai un problème d'upload de documents quand je suis connecté en https, alors qu'en http, tout fonctionne. Tout ce que j'obtiens est un signalement d'échec, sans explication, ni log particulier. Le problème n'existe que pour le site share , p...

atatorus by Champ in-the-making
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Error while submitting content from creator to editor

Hi,I am using "Web Site Submission" workflow so that content can be moved from creator to editor.I have opted for "Auto Deploy" option while creating content.Also i have opted for "Include in auto deploy" in ASR deployment.But as editor approves the ...

Is pdf2swf required to enable preview for office files

We have openoffice installed and configured.We have not installed the pdf2swf yet.But the pdf preview is working already.But office files preview is not working.It display the error: "This document can't be previewed."Do we need to install the pdf2sw...

wingtse by Champ in-the-making
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Undefined in invite mail [solved]

Hello,i use an customized version of the invite mail body text. All works fine, but now i get sometimes an invite mail with no mail body text. There is only an "undefined" in the body. Know anybody the problem?Best regards

sf_urzl by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Share Problem [gelöst]

Hallo,da es keinen direktes Share-Subforum gibt, versuch ich mein Glück hier. Ich habe seit kurzem das Problem, dass meine Einladungsmails von einigen SiteManagern nicht ausgeliefert werden. Die Mail wird zwar verschickt, aber der Adressat findet im ...

sf_urzl by Champ in-the-making
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HTTP 404 after installation

After installing per instructions (only difference is that I had to choose 3009 as port for MySQL, as 3006 was already taken), I navigate to http://localhost:8080/alfresco and it tells me:HTTP Status 404 -type Status reportmessagedescription The requ...

arjbanner by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco and share single log-in instance

i want a user to sign into alfresco web explorer using the username and password assigned. when the same user wants to access alfresco share, it will automatically sign the user in (with the credentials used to sign in to alfresco web client).