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Request on Web services, SoapUI and Soa

Hi all,I recently moved south to Bangalore and I am working for a large software integrator mainly testing. My project team is working on web service project. We plan to use an open source software like soapUI now. Are you able to point me to online ...

rajesh5575 by Champ in-the-making
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Installing v3.2r on Snow Leopard

Hello-I am new to both Snow Leopard and Alfresco - I need help getting Alfresco running under the Tomcat that is included in Snow Leopard.  What I want to have is it running on utilizing the Apache/Tomcat that is buil...

tctim by Champ in-the-making
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document-details urls for download and editMetadata corrupt

Hi Alfrescians,I have a weird problem with Alfresco Share 3.2r2 in two different installations.In the document-details page in Share, when i click on either the Download or the Edit Metadata link, i get redirected to the dashboard. This behaviour is ...

kbonnet by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] 'Error during run with lock' après exec. projet SVN

Bonjour !j'ai déjà posté le problème sur le forum anglais dans la même section hier mais je pense qu'un peu d'aide du côté Français sera la bienvenue aussi (d'autant que je n'ai pas eu de réponse et que c'est un tantinet urgent ^^')Donc voila, j'ai i...

by Not applicable
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Alfresco install on Ubuntu Server 9.04 - What now?

Hello,I just installed Alfresco on Ubuntu 9.04 through the partner repository and most work very well out-of-the-box. What I am not 100% sure of is what version this is. And whom is maintaing the Ubuntu version? Will upgrades etc. be released through...

oblivian by Champ in-the-making
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afficher une boite de dialogue

Bonjour,j'aimerais savoir s'il est possible d'afficher une boite de dialogue après l'ajout d'un fichier avec explorer?cordialement

Modifier le panneau openSearch

salut a tous, mon besoin est de modifier le panneau veux ajouter d'autres fonctionnalités comme la recherche sur plusieurs catégories à la fois , la sélection du modèle de contenu et l'utilisation des recherches sauvegardé sais que ...

slipknotik by Champ on-the-rise
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Workflow on Share will I be able to develop custom workflows in Share using Forms?    Will existing Explorer based workflows be able to run under Share, recognizing that some rework would be nec...

100% CPU Usage after startup

Hi guys,I've got 100% CPU usage on one of my CPUs after startup of tomcat 5.I installed using the WAR, and have mysql running.I edited the database configuration, and the data folder configuration, and put the entire contents of "extensions" in commo...

trent by Champ in-the-making
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Kategorien erweitern

Hallo,bin auf der Suche nach Informationen zu den Kategorien. Dabei hatte ich den Versuch unternommen, neue Kategorien anzulegen und habe mal exemplarisch die Datei categories.xml erweitert.Wenn ich den Server nun neu starte und mich einlogge, sehe i...

webraccoon by Champ in-the-making
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