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final step: extracter to aspect

I'm so damn close in getting this to work that it's almost driving me nuts.In Alfresco 3.2r I have created a PDF extractor replacement, it works fine and writes the values I want to the standard fields.I also create a set of custom aspects, created a...

tbee by Champ in-the-making
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Einträge in nicht verwendet

Hallo,ich habe in der Datei tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\ unseren Mailserver für aus Alfresco abgehende Mails eingetragen.Leider wird diese Einstellung von Alfresco nach dem Restart nicht verwendet.Den Mailserv...

Alfresco 3.0 stable a 3.2

Alguien me podría indicar como hacer para pasar de alfresco 3.0 stable a la versión 3.2 sin perder los documentos y metadata ya almacenada en alfresco.gracias.

kocoubb by Champ in-the-making
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[Solved]Duplicate an existing share site

Hello,I have a problem with alfresco share…I try to duplicate or copy an existing alfresco share site with the alfresco interface.I create groups for this copy, i see the site in my share dashboard but, i can't accessed to the site help me plz.

leyer by Champ in-the-making
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Recuperar nodos

Me da el siguiente error al intentar recuperar los nodos de un espaciocreating local adapter for remotereference [ServerRepository_Stub[UnicastRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](remote),objID:[-442f50f:124b9ca9ea5:-7f93, 8]]]]]org.apache.ja...

Layer a webapp

I have 2 types of projects.  One type of project is the core project which holds all the files of our webapp, that I can use the preview server on.  The other type of project is a content project.  There are many content projects (one each for a numb...

Group as a property of a content type

Hi!I created a custom content type and I need to add a property that is a group of users.Is this possible? And if it is, could anybody give me a clue about it?Thanks!

anusk by Champ in-the-making
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Booleans on templates

How can I reference the value of a boolean ?   <#if["customRbols"]?exists>            It exists         </#if>this returns if it exists, but i want to know if its set to true.Related, how can I display Dates?Thank you.

changement de base de données SQLServer2008

Bonjourj'ai changé la base de données de notre Alfresco, nous utilisions SQLServer2000 et j'ai basculé sur SQLServer2008, la base a été bien migré.Visiblement j'ai un écart entre alf_data et sql, j'ai deja fait la manip suivante :index.recovery.mode=...

swingbi by Champ in-the-making
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