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Forum Posts

Problem restoring an Alfresco 3.0 Backup

Hi allWe are using Alfresco CE 3.0 and have a problem now when trying to restore the backup of the system.We have a backup of the "alf_data" folder where the content and the indexes are, and also a backup of the MySQL Alfresco DB. To perform this bac...

jlabuelo by Champ on-the-rise
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'Save Changes' button disabled in Edit Profile in Share

The "Save Changes" button is disabled in Edit Profile in Share.  I have logged in as Admin and as a user - both cannot save any changes made to their profile due to the "Save Changes"  button being disabled.  I have filled in every field on the profi...

tctim by Champ in-the-making
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Problems with decision node

Hi everyone.I have a problem with a decision node and I don't know what to do.Within process definition, there is a task node named "revisarPropsDoc", which has a transition to decision node "requiereTraduccion?" and here comes the problem. <start-st...

frontman by Champ in-the-making
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Enabling ALfresco REcords Managment in Share

Hi,i Have Installed ALfresco Records Management MMt and its working fine in web-client, but i am unable to see any record management site in Alfresco-Share. Can anyone put eye in this??Thanks. Atish

Upgrade 3.2r2 to 3.3 ERROR [admin.patch.PatchExecuter] 03130

Hi,I've just tried to upgrade from 3.2r2 to 3.3 and have encountered an error with PatchExecutor. I think it may have something to do with WCM which we weren't using in 3.2r2 so I'm not sure if it was even configured previously. I'm a total newbie to...

yzenezy by Champ in-the-making
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Workflow & Email-Benachrichtigung

Hallo,ich bräuchte Hilfe bei der Umsetzung folgender Änderungen, wäre nett wenn von euch Feedback käme:1) Workflows verlinken leider auf die Library und nicht auf die Detailansicht des Dokuments für das der Workflow gestartet wurde. Wie bzw. was muss...

rakmun by Champ in-the-making
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Manually add profile info for LDAP users

Is there a way I can manually add some info for my users until the "LDAP users have no profile edit capabilities at all" bug is fixed? I'd like to roll Alfresco out soon, but with basic functionality like that missing, I'm afraid it will receive push...

jimmykirk by Champ in-the-making
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How does the number of sandboxes affect performance?

Hello,As mentioned in this post we are starting to experience decreased performance as we add users and content to the WCM.That forum post queried about workfow - this one is about the number o...

kmartino by Champ in-the-making
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set property Record Category Identifier

Hello all…I've got a really good question.  Let's say you write a web script to create a folder in Records Management, and you set custom properties.  But there is this "Record Category Identifier" property that Records Management requires.  Is there...