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Forum Posts

Lucene Index Erosion

I have worked for 1 years with Alfresco Labs 3.0 and I had problems several times with the outcome of the Lucene search engine. Quite clearly the problems were found in an expansion around a new store to light. Some content usage information, which w...

dbachem by Champ in-the-making
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trouble accessing stylesheet

I am trying to access a stylesheet in the same folder as my freemarker template.  How come the page doesn't render with the styles?<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" TYPE="text/css"> ‍This is driving me crazy.  I appreciate anyone's advice…

Rôles de MySQL et JCR

Bonjour Je débute avec l'utilisation de Alfresco 3.3. J'ai lu un peu de documentation dessus et j'aimerais savoir quel est le but de la base de données MySQL qui est fournie avec l'installeur d'Alfresco? Que contient-elle comme données par rapoport a...

ethan by Champ in-the-making
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Share recherche dans le Repository

Bonjour tout le monde,A la recherche d'une solution de GED gérant versioning, gestion de droits utilisateurs, recherche Plain-text, je teste donc Alfresco 3.3 CE qui m'a l'air de répondre à mes attentes.Je me sers beaucoup de l'interface SHARE car d'...

mymy83 by Champ in-the-making
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Hello everyoneI want to use Alfresco in my Job But at first I should learn it.My Question is : Which Operating System is the best for Alfresco.Do u advise me to use in Redhat or SUSEThank you very much

rebel26 by Champ in-the-making
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Webscript for showing all metadata for certain file

Hi all,I am new to Alfresco developing and I have certain questions.For now I ask is there an out-of-the-box webscript that can display all metadata properties and their values in some raw format (JSON, ATOM, RSS…).Probably it is not problem to creat...

dsnkostic by Champ in-the-making
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Share feature requests: private messages, user archives

We're thinking about developing a few custom modules for Share. Before doing that, we'd like to know if you're planning to implement these features in Share in the futurerivate messaging between users: wouldn't it be useful to have a sort of private ...

fast3r by Champ on-the-rise
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Categories in Share

Hello,I've just seen this presentation: page 8 I see that you can also browse a site by Categories (not just tags).Is this an Enterprise-only feature? Will it be included in th...

goldmar by Champ in-the-making
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gestion des membre du site ?

Bonjour,J'aimerai savoir ou je peux modifies les site a qui appartient un utilisateur part l'intermédiaire de la BDD ou des fichiers XMLpour être plus précis je veux supprime l'appartenance d'un utilisateur de plusieurs site et ajouter un autre membr...

aragorn by Champ in-the-making
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Backup/restore share sites individually

How can we backup/restore share sites individually. Can we export a share site in one alfresco instance as a .acp file and import it to another alfresco instance ?

shineg by Champ in-the-making
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