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Forum Posts

Install seems okay but MySQL database is empty

I am running an install on a Windows 2008 R2 64-bit server.  All seems to go well, but when it comes time to log in I can't.  I connected to the MySQL server and see the alfresco database but there are no tables in it!I tried pre-installing my own My...

ronmichael by Champ in-the-making
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5.0.rc1, DeployBarTask throws java.lang.NullPointerException

Hi there,Given activiti.cfg.xml file:<activiti-cfg process-engine-name='activiti-engine-dev'>  <database type='h2' schema-strategy='check-version'>    <jdbc url='jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti' driver='org.h2.Driver' username='sa' password='' />  <...

limcheekin by Champ on-the-rise
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Error while creating session from the same machine

I get the following error wihle trying to create a cmis session (with openCMIS) from localhost to localhost ONLY (ok when I call Alfresco from another machine).(I am in multi-tenancy mode)11:43:47,583 Tenant:client1 User:admin ERROR [] or...

Ändern des invite email subjects

Hallo zusammen!Ich such mich grade kreuz und quer durch Google finde aber keine Lösung:Ich möchte für die invite emails das Subject "Invitation to join xzy site" ändern.Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich da ran komme? In der invinte-email.ftl ist es nicht...

mac by Champ in-the-making
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List all content types which inherit from cm:content

Hello,I'm writing a webscript to list all custom models which inherit cm:content. Could anyone give me a tip how to do this, please? I've looked into nodeService and dictionaryService but I can't find anything that will list all children content type...

alex_lu by Champ in-the-making
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If condition in xsd to take decision while editing form

Hi folks,This is related to WebForms under WCM. I have a form in which user enters some information. This form is generated via xsd. While creating a new page, users selects a folder location as an input value. I want that user should not be able to ...

darklord by Champ in-the-making
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A few Qs - Setting up a test server

Hi all,I am setting up Alfresco on an old 2003 server for testing purposes and have a few questions…  (community edition).- I am setting up two partitions for Alfresco - F: for the program itself and G: for data.  By default I enable Shadow Copies (V...

sternfan by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 3.4a con directorio activo

Hola a todosSoy nuevo en este mundo de Alfresco, un amigo me recomendó implementarlo en mi empresa y estoy en las pruebaslo he instalado y he subido el servicio hasta ahí vamos bien pero cuando estoy intentando conectarlo contra el directorio activo ...

jsanchezue by Champ in-the-making
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Agradecimiento y pregunta

Muchas gracias al equipo de desarrollo de Alfresco, a los que permanentemente están ayudando a los demás a conocer y comprender Alfresco. En este foro en español en particular, he leido muchas excelentes respuestas a temas planteados. A veces, sin em...

normando by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas con Alfresco Enterprise + Informix Database

Hola a todos,Estoy instalando un entorno de desarrollo con CentOS + Tomcat + Informix + Alfresco E3.3.3.Y tengo este error en el arranque por primera vez, en la creación de la base de datos:Failed to parse config resource: class path resource [alfres...