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Forum Posts

création une simlpe action

Bonjour tout le monde,Je suis débutante dans alfresco et dans Java aussi.Si'l vous plait Je veux créer une action pour lire un document et le parcourir et ensuite extraire tous les mots et ses fréquences.Si quelqu"un peut me donner les étapes pour cr...

débutante by Champ in-the-making
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Remove 'Leave'-Button in Site Finder

I need to remove the "Leave"-Button for one specific Site in the Site-Finder.Can somebody give me a hint, please?Background: I need to disable the option of leaving one specific site. I already disabeled the the "Leave Site" menu entry.Is there a dir...

vampire by Champ in-the-making
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Ricerche interne ad un content

Buongiorno,con Alfresco è possibile effettuare la ricerca interna ad un contenuto. Per esempio se ho un file e voglio ricercare un determinato campo al suo interno lo posso fare?

lanfranco by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with docx files

Well I'm using alfresco community 3.4d, And I configured the webdav.. also, I managed to open not in read only mode docx files in office 2010, after a lot of tweaking windows 7.. but now I have this problem:I open via Webdav a docx file in office 201...

fernyjbh by Champ in-the-making
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Lister les permissions d'un utilisateur

Bonjour,je voudrais lister les fichiers crées, les fichiers modifier ou en lock par un utilisateur X.La seule solution que j'ai : c'est de parcourir le repository et pour chaque noeud tester si ce dernier a une dépendance avec l'utilisateur X; cette ...

akorchi by Champ in-the-making
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Community 3.5.a experiences and questions

Thanks for giving us a new nightly to play with.Tried 3.5.a out and found the following errors/bugs:1. License check every 5 min generates entry in log. Maybe a bit too much?13:28:44,822 INFO  [] Unable to retr...

ebogaard by Champ on-the-rise
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Sustituir base de datos por Alfresco

HolaEstoy involucrado en un proyecto nuevo y estamos evaluando la posibilidad de sustituir nuestra base de datos relacional por Alfresco delegando las consultas a Alfresco en vez de hacerlas directamente en la base dedatos.Por ejemplo, queremos crear...

nnotario by Champ in-the-making
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WYSIWYG Component

Dears,I'm trying to use WYSIWYG editor as a property inside "Task Model" for a workflow, so can you give me a hint about this component and how can i use it.Thanks.Mohammed Amr

workflow properties scoping

Dear Gurus,I have the following case,I have a workflow and this workflow have a comment property and i have set of users A,B and C. now when the workflow has been submitted the workflow will be shown in the task list of a user A and user A will manag...