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Forum Posts

Enabling Audit Control in Alfresco Community 3.4.d

Hello ,To configure Audit functionality I need auditConfig.xml file. I am using Alfresco Community 3.4.d and I did not find auditConfig.xml file in folder "webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco" .1.Could you please tell me how I can confugure Aud...

ashwini by Champ in-the-making
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email di notifica

Sto utilizzando una versione di prova di Alfresco (Bitnami Alfresco). Ho creato uno space ed ho aggiunto la regola che nel momento in cui viene caricato un contenuto vi è una notifica via email. Quando ho caricato il comtenuto è apparso il seguente e...

lanfranco by Champ in-the-making
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Questions and doubts installation Community 3.4d on Windows

Hello,I've just installed french version of alfresco-community-3.4.d-installer-win-x32.exe. It works quite well.I've some doubts about some points :1) The menuItem "Démarrer le service Alfresco Community" (~~ starts Alfresco Community service) runs f...

stef44 by Champ in-the-making
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Migration d'EPIC IFS d'Oracle vers Alfresco

bonjour,apres avoir chercher sur ce forum sur un sujet qui resoud mon probleme, malheureusement j'ai pas trouvé, je me permet de poser ce sujet en esperant de trouver quelqun qui a deja travaillé sur la meme problematique je travail actuellement sur ...

Person as a property

Hello,I am creating a custom aspect for my data model for approvable documents. I want to add a property to the aspect called "Primary Contact" which would be a user in system. The reason for this is I want to send notification emails but its not alw...

Bien le bonjour,je suis un petit nouveau et j'ai...

Bien le bonjour,je suis un petit nouveau et j'ai déjà une inquiètude :rolleyes:Je suis en stage de terminaison de mes études d'analyste/programmeur et je doit faire une critique (positive/négative) d'Alfresco par rapport au technologie utilisé ici. E...

jdeus_1451 by Champ in-the-making
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How to apply acl in createDocument service

Hi,I want to apply a acl to the new object justed created. I'm currently using the createDocument() in ObjectService. After my code ran, there's no changes on the document. Here's my code. I also found the canApplyAcl of this object was false. Does t...

rexmao by Champ in-the-making
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Script pour publier un wiki

Bonjour,J'aimerais pouvoir créer un webscript me permettant de "publier" un wiki. Cette fonctionnalité est réalisable comme peut en justifier ce diapo : webscripts sont...

clemf by Champ in-the-making
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How to get the current task id in email notification templat

Hey guys,      Is there any way to get the task id of the workflow instance in which the notifying emails generated from in notification email template? Then I can list the relevant workflow instance information in the email template.    Here, I foun...

yteng by Champ in-the-making
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New install with restore; can't connect to mysql server

I had to wipe my Win2003 server that had alfresco running and so installed Win 2008. -I installed alfresco ok on it (alfresco-community-3.4.d-installer-win-x64.exe)-It opened to Share on localhost OK.-I shut it down. (Closed windows services alfresco...

ericalfr by Champ in-the-making
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