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cancel an workflow

hello,It is possible to stop (cancel) and workflow??person 1  ——–requestApproval——->  person 2requirementerson 1 need to cancel the Approval UserTask before the approval…

Update from 3.2r2 to 3.4 : imap failed

Hi, after updating from 3.2r2 to 3.4 imap stopped working. All the folders gone unsubscribed and Thunderbird and Outlook only sync the first level of folder.00:14:43,927 DEBUG [org.alfresco.repo.imap.ImapServiceImpl] [getFavouriteSites] There is no F...

altiva by Champ in-the-making
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VacationRequest.bpmn20.xml buggy out of the box?

I'm trying to modify and deploy the VacationRequest example, and use the Activiti Explorer, but I'm struggling with the following issues: I get an error saying that a resourceRef attribute is not valid for potentialOwner tags;exclusiveGateways are al...

bytter by Champ in-the-making
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Displaying/editing activiti namespace values

Hi,I'm using Activiti Modeler and can't seem to find locations in the property editor on the right hand side to enter attributes in the 'activiti' namespace, such as    activiti:candidateUsers="…"   activiti:expression="…"   activiti:collection="…"to...

bwd by Champ in-the-making
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The variables need to be serialized?

Hi!I trying to invoke a Java Service. My code that executes the logic is as follows:  public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {               Long value = (Long) parameter.getValue(execution);              Service rmService ...


Bonjour,j'ai déjà posté dans questions divers, donc désolé.Mais, je voudrais savoir si un war a été développé pour la version 3.4d community, ou peut on récupérer celle de la version 3.2 pour l'intégrer à la 3.4.merci

fahrasmane by Champ in-the-making
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Fallo en la presentación de paneles en Share 3.4.1

Buenas.Alfresco Share 3.4.1 tienen un problema de visualización de los paneles, ya sea el de inicio o el de inicio de un sitio. Si lo personalizamos para que los dashlets se muestren en columnas de distintos tipos, éstas no funcionan bien. Por ejempl...

nemrp by Champ in-the-making
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ejecutar .jar desde alfresco?

¿Alguien prodría indiarcme si es posible ejecutar desde alfresco (con algún botón o en un paso de workflow) un pequeño programa hecho en java? (en este programilla lo que hago es hacer una consulta de alfresco con un determinado campo de mis metadato...

roseta by Champ in-the-making
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Gestion des membres d'un site Share par un superadmin

Bonjour,Je dispose d'un Alfresco 3.4 avec Share dans lequel plusieurs sites sont tenus par des Gestionnaires de sites.Sur ceux ci je veux que mon superadmin (admin Alfresco) puisse modifier les permissions des membres des sites, MAIS :- Depuis l'inte...

jbcordina by Champ in-the-making
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run a .jar file in a step of a workflow

Does anyone know if is possible to run a little application in java (.jar) from a certain point of a customized workflow in xml? (my application look for content inside alfresco and generate an .xml file with the resutl) Thanks in advance!

roseta by Champ in-the-making
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