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Forum Posts

Afresco 3.3 on Jboss failed

I have installed Alfresco manually using and deployed to jboss-5.1.0.GA but failed. I knew that it is classloader issues or conflict problems. I tried every way to use Jboss class load isolation but didn't work:Here...

jboss_user by Champ on-the-rise
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upload zip file

hii want to upload a folder with too many content in alfrescothe folder must be zipi want to unzip the folder when folder uploadedbut i dont know how to do??????please help me

azade by Champ in-the-making
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Installing Designer Extensions

Hi,one more Question about the Activiti Designer. Is there an other way to install a customizing palette as described here . In my opinion this way is a little bit to comp...

Consumer requesting access

I currently have a site that has restricted access and had a user request invite for the site.  Where does this request go?  Does it go to the user who created the sites email?  Thanks

ckincius by Champ in-the-making
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Store variables in each task

I have a process which has several tasks. In each task i want to store Comments/Remarks provided by the user, Reason (Some Predefined Values (Combo)) and Action selected by the user.I already have a user interface developed for the this. I want to pa...

afaraz by Champ in-the-making
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Crear una pagina web usando alfresco

Hola a todos,Quiero crear una pagina web usando alfresco, soy nueva en esto he leido varios tutoriales pero no entiendo muy bien que es lo que tengo que hacer, he descomprimido el sdk de alfresco y he empezado a probar el primer ejemplo que aparece e...

arritxu by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Categories at bootstrap

Hello,I do have a problem with my custom categories defined at bootstrap.The problem is not in the definition itself (or maybe yes), it's in the use of category when categorizing a content in Share.Let me explain : 1 - I have created a custom-import-...

bbougon by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Document Library Action

Hello, following instructions from the wiki (, I was able just to make my own action visible.I have two questions about:Is there any mechanism like the evaluator within Alfresco Explorer th...

alarocca by Champ in-the-making
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Architecture while using Activiti Datasource

Dear All,  I am trying to convince myself on the architecture of introducing the Activiti Datasource/Database(ADS). When I say ADS, I mean the database where Acitivi store the process states and other process metadata.  To be more precise lets take a...

frankee787 by Champ on-the-rise
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3.4.d /wcmqs

Hi,ich hab da ein kleines Problem mit Alfresco 3.4.d unter Ubuntu und Debian 64 Bit. Selbst bei einer unveränderten Standardinstallation bekomme ich beim aufrufen von http://localhost:8080/wcmqs  folgende Fehlermeldung:A problem has occurred.This pag...

tobiasd by Champ in-the-making
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