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Forum Posts

Conversion unique de fichier

Bonjour,je souhaiterais simplement pouvoir convertir un fichier word en PDF par exemple à l'aide d'un simple lien (qui pourrait se trouver dans les actions de fichiers par ex) Je ne peux utiliser la conversion que si j'utilise des actions de dossiers...

tekben by Champ in-the-making
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Evaluation use only?

Hi all,I downloaded & installed the Community Edition on a test box, and noticed that it is for "Evalution Use Only" in the menu etc.  I thought this was the "free" version?  That you could use the Community Edition however you wanted, but that you w...

sternfan by Champ in-the-making
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Starting Workflow programatically in WCM

Hi All,I am facing problem in starting workflow programmatically on an avmnode. following is the scenario.1) creating files in stagging sandbox with the help of AVMService.2) creating a separate translation store and copy the same file to it.3) creat...

What can Alfresco solve for me?

After trying to install Alfresco for a while i was wondering why should i use it in the first place? I suppose i could use it as a knowledge management tool, but Alfresco does not know how to manage knowledge themselves. Look for example at the wiki....

sakkaje by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with Custom Data Lists

Hi,I was really struggling to create a custom data list in share. I was trying to implement the demo at I didn't get correctly where which file had to be deployed so I'm documenting it here for the ne...

lemmy by Champ in-the-making
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Deploying Alfresco-4.0.a: web-resource-collection not match!

Dear Friends,I am trying to install Alfresco-4.0.a on Jboss 5.1.0 GA. But the same exception appears all the time on startup, could anyone of you help me in thisEPLOYMENTS IN ERROR:  Deployment "vfszip:/alfresco/jboss-5/server/default/deploy/alfresco...

yaziderman by Champ in-the-making
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Chiamare AJAX da javascript

Salve, da qualche tempo sto studiando Alfresco per integrarlo come strumento di gestione documentale con il software che sviluppa l'azienda in cui lavoro.Per automatizzare l'archiviazione dei documenti che produce il nostro software, ho pensato di ap...

pakka by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco + wordpress

Salve sono nuova al mondo di Alfresco, ma avrei bisogno di collegare questo con wordpress.Vorrei poter facilmente pubblicare su wordpress i documenti che ho su alfresco, e casomai impostare diversi livelli di utenza.E' possibile? Se si come?Grazie

cannella by Champ in-the-making
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Mapping from technical model to business model

Hi all,this is more a conceptual question about your best practises than a programming question.Our development process is the followingur in-house customers are developing a business modell using the modeller.Out development team is creating a techn...

georg1 by Champ in-the-making
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Problemi passando da Mysql a postgresql

Ciao a tuttimi chiamo Francesco, mi sono appena iscritto al forum ovviamente sperando di trovare suggerimenti validi per un problema che mi sta facendo dannare.Ho installato Alfresco-3.4.d community su un server Linux, Centos 5.4, ospitato da una vir...

fvincenti by Champ on-the-rise
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