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Forum Posts

Share 3.4 Autocalcular campos formulario

Hola a todos!Tengo un problema, y necesitaría un poco de ayuda (más que nada, a ver si alguien puede enfocarme en cómo solucionarlo).He creado un tipo de contenido custom, que tiene tres campos, dos de tipo fecha (fecha1 y fecha2) y otro de tipo text...

rhakaro by Champ in-the-making
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Versionable aspect

When setting versionable aspect, all is fine. When omitting versionable aspect, there is no way to 'overwrite' the document. The only way to load a new doc is to 'replace by new version', which implicitly makes the document versionable. I would expec...

jpi by Champ in-the-making
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copia de documentos en Alfresco

Buenos días, quería preguntaros si cuando en alfresco se hace una copia de documento, si se hace también la copia física o se conserva un solo documento donde apuntan todas las "copias" de ese documento. Todo esto viene porque me han preguntado si ha...

sucosan by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco et JackRabbit

Bonjour,Je suis à la recherche d'une solution de gestion de base documentaire, et j'ai pu tester Alfresco en l'installant sur mon poste. J'ai pu aussi étudier vaguement JackRabbit. Je précise que tout n'est pas encore très clair pour moi concernant J...

dod by Champ in-the-making
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Question on changing to Oracle DB from standard install

Hi all,New to Alfresco. installed the enterprise 4.0.0 and did the advanced, yet said yes to everything.By default this is setup with Postgresql, but I need to change it to change this to Oracle. I have looked at the wiki and it only talks about chan...

npereira by Champ in-the-making
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[gelöst]Fehler beim Login

Hi Leute,ich sitzt jetzt über einen Tag dran, die Community Version von Alfresco ans laufen zu bringen. (Setup: alfresco-community-4.0.c-installer-win-x32.exe)Erstmal technische Details von meiner Maschine:Windows 2003 Server SP2Intel Core 2 Duo 2,33...

blodnatt by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas con Alfresco

Buenos días,Estoy teniendo problemas con Alfresco. Cada 5-10 minutos el tomcat sobre el que está deja de funcionar y la aplicación se cae. No se que puede pasar.Adjunto el log a ver si alguien ha tenido este problema y ha sabido solucionarlo.Muchas g...

jficheux by Confirmed Champ
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You never are able to find what you look for!

Hi everyone,i am looking for a -maybe trial version- JLAN version to install on my computer and play around to see what it is for actually. As i followed "JLAN server download " links, there appears something downloaded, when i install it i realize t...

msalihg by Champ in-the-making
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JLAN Examples/Tutorials/How To's

I am trying to implement the JLAN package in a separate java program and I am having difficulties figuring it out.  I have looked at the programmer's guide and only have ascertained a few things.  Ive started implementing the DiskInterface java inter...

mcook by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene: wrong result!

Hi guys,I use Alfresco from a remote application connected by web services. I created a customized data model (extending the "content" type) and, after some hours/days of normal operations (documents loading and metadata uploading), I had some troubl...

oscareng by Champ in-the-making
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