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Forum Posts

Problemas restaurar BD mysql Alfresco Community Alfresco EE

Estimados tengo el siguiente problema:estoy tratando de cargar un respaldo de la BD MySql, desde un alfresco Community Edition 3.4.c 32  bits a un alfresco Enterprise 3.4.6 54 bits, ambos con Sistema operativo RHEL, la versiones de la base de datos s...

psantis by Confirmed Champ
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Serving binaries (PDF/PPT/GIF...)

Hi(Im' posting on French and English forum, and I will copy/paste answers for all).The following webscript is fully working for serving XML content, but doesn't for binary content (like pdf/ppt or else..)view.get.desc.xml<webscript>        <shortname...

flefoll by Champ in-the-making
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error con alfresco enterprise 3.4.6 tomcat + oracle

Buenos dias he visto que en esta wiki me pueden ayudar con mi pregunta, bueno es la siguiente ojala me puedan ayudar, mi travesia comenzo cuando quize instalar alfresco community pero no pude por un error de la jvm, entonces instale la versión enterp...

ecalle by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco content language issue

We have an Alfresco ran website. When someone logs into the Private Area the content displayed is not in English, it is in another language. How do I change it so that the content language always appears in English?Thanks in advanceJohnba

johnba by Champ in-the-making
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Usage scenario for RCP client / server application

hi,i'm just evaluating activiti for our application and i''m not sure about the "right" way to use activiti in our scenario.We have an RCP client Application that is working against an application server. So currently my idea is to use the REST inter...

prace by Champ in-the-making
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Deleting and managing tags

Asked this question in another forum but got no responses.  I'm wondering if anyone here knows the answer: "How to delete a tag?" Deleting tags is very important, since otherwise your list of tags gets very large and any misspelled tags add to the bl...

bboeri by Champ in-the-making
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Upload de fichier

Bonjour à tous,Je voudrais ajouter un logo à coté du nom d'un site share, j'ai plusieurs piste pour y arriver:- Créer un bouton upload de fichier (l'idéal serait d'appeler la fonction upload de fichier d'alfresco) et de récuperer le noeud pour l'affi...

doublem by Champ in-the-making
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Erstellung von Thumbnail fehlerhaft

Hallo Community,habe mir auf Centos 5.6 das Alfresco Community War 4.0 installiert.Es funktioniert auch soweit echt gut.Das Problem ist, dass einige meiner PDFs (Formulare) beim Erzeugen des Thumbnails einen Fehler erzeugen.Dies wäre nicht soo dramat...

amonts by Champ in-the-making
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Disable the button launch Workflow

Hi,I have created a workflow which move a document. But sometimes, this "move" takes somes times (the document is big) and the user think that the workflow has not launch so he launch it again and again …I have not found how to display UI message (if...

uskiki85 by Champ in-the-making
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