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Forum Posts

Cannot import workspace://spacesStore repository with ACP

Hi all,I'm having difficulties using the ACP export/import feature of Alfresco as a way to backup and restore an Alfresco repository. This is a fairly empty repository on a local dev machine - the entire repository is only about 40MB.I've exported th...

jevon by Champ in-the-making
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Async service task not executing

If I have two starting tasks that are async = true and exclusive = false then it seems like Activiti starts neither of them. The delegate execute() method is never entered. When I call getActiveActivitiIds() as shown below, it returns me the first an...

afshad by Champ in-the-making
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Nightly Build?

Hi,I haven't seen the nightly build for several days    .  Is the URL: valid?Thanks,Bob

ruighr by Champ in-the-making
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Slow and inconsistent behaviour

Hi All,I've just done my first install of Alfresco on Windows server 2008 and am having some issues. Of course our CEO wants this up and running on Monday so any help you can provide would be appreciated. As I said the Server is running on Windows 20...

Load+Concurrency Testing Utility

Hi,I have created a small CMIS based utility for performing load and concurrency testing.You can find the code at: test creates a number of simultaneous CMIS clients, where each creates a doc...

hubick by Champ in-the-making
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Problems customizing model in unattended installation

Hello,I am having problems customizing the content model using the bootstrap mode described in the official documentation here: have spring ...

edovale by Champ in-the-making
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Workflow e Gruppi

Ciao,è possibile in alfresco 3.4 abilitare un workflow in base al gruppo di appartenenza dell'utente loggato?Grazie.MM

michela by Champ in-the-making
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Ant Deploy

Salve, stò cercando di costruire un modello con l'aiuto della vostra guida.Come suggerito, stò usando Eclipse ma mi sfugge un passaggio (non sono pratico dell'ambiente). Mi dice che dovrei usare ant per fare il deploy del progetto eclipse che stò fac...

Syntax problems in a .ftl file

Hi everybody,I am having some syntax questions in a .ftl file.I will explain:I have the follow aspect in my project:      <aspect name="p:aspectProcedure">         <title>Procédure</title>         <properties>            <property name="p:serviceConc...

rodrigoa by Champ in-the-making
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File uploading

Hi everyone,I've managed to successfuly understand the samples in the Alfresco SDK.I'm going to start to use Alfresco Share now. (Version 3.4e)I know how to upload a file to the repository from a java application. (in the Web Service API)But is it po...

nm_santos by Champ in-the-making
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