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Forum Posts

Como usar 'permissões' para determinados usuarios

fala galera, bao tarde!sou novato no alfresco e estou precisando saber se tem como eu colocar permissoes para determinados usuarios poderem somente ver os documentosoutros poderem ver e adicionar… etc!acredito eu q tenha pq como o administrador tem t...

matheus by Champ in-the-making
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Client validation

Is there some client validation that can be performed, e.g. the user edits some metadata values => now I want to limit the number of characters or just allow a maximum integer value for certain properties => is there a way to realize this in OpenWork...

popeye by Champ in-the-making
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New error: HTTP call to [http://mysite:8080/alfresco/

can anyone advise as to how to resolve this error.error message: HTTP call to [http://mysite:8080/alfresco/s/cmis/queries] returned [100]. Response:log file:18:21:50,936 INFO  [org.alfresco.config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file fr...

Unable to setup demo for activiti-5.9

I tried to setup the demo for activiti-5.9and i facing the following problem while running the ant.Can anyone help me with this….is the structure of the database changed coz i already have h2 server with the given db in my system for activiti-5.7 ver...

How can I get the ProcessKey?

Hi:  I use class CustomGroupManager that extend GroupManager to realizy the Authenticate myself. And I want get the ProcessKey in the method:findGroupsByUser to find the Process which used it, how can I get it?The detail is that:     I established ab...

bearliving by Champ in-the-making
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Process instance state merge.

Hi,The project that I'm working on contains a BPM that users will interact with primarily in an online mode, in that they will operate with the same process instance/state database for the life of the process instance.  However there is also a scenar...

alistair by Champ in-the-making
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Running multiple activiti instances on the same datasource

Is it possible to run several activiti servers and have them work in tandem for purposes of load balancing?My requirement is that multiple servers running activity will talk to one database and there will be no conflicts among the process instances.

elintegro by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Forms, initial value for form property

I'm using activiti 5.9 and I want to be able to set initial value for an specific form property.this initial value should be used when variable with given id does not exist in process, and might be overwritten when user task gets completed by user an...

zarezadeh by Champ in-the-making
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problème d'arrêt d'Alfresco 4.0.d

BonsoirJ'ai un soucis pour stopper Alfresco.Version linux 4.0.d avec utilisation de solr.quand je stoppe Alfresco : ./alfresco/sh stop‍Celui-ci ne me rends pas la main.Les derniers messages enregistrés dans catalina.out sont :29 mars 2012 20:16:46 or...

jeanjot by Confirmed Champ
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Impossible de récupérer le serviceRegistry

Bonjour à tous,Je viens vers vous, après plusieurs jours de recherches peu fructueux…Mon problème : récupérer le serviceRegistry (ou n'importe quelles autres services) via Spring. Je l'ai déjà effectuer plusieurs fois, et sans soucis, mais cette fois...