I use class CustomGroupManager that extend GroupManager to realizy the Authenticate myself. And I want get the ProcessKey in the method:findGroupsByUser to find the Process which used it, how can I get it?
The detail is that:
I established about several workflows.Each design has special group, and contain defferent person, but the group which I designd in the workflows is same. I want different workflow has same group defintion but specail person to operated.
For example:
There have two workflows,which is A and other is B, and A and B has same 'Candidate groups' define as sales, but A flow can be operated by Jone , B flow can only be operated by Tom.The operator is must be configured.
I think several method to sovled problem:
A) 'Candidate groups' define change ,A change to sales_A and B change to sales_B.And in table [ACT_ID_GROUP] ID_ define same like that
B)'Candidate groups' define not change, and table [ACT_ID_GROUP]'s ID_ define as sales, but table [ACT_ID_GROUP]'s TYPE_ save the processKey, and I want use this method to distinguish each flow in my extended anthenticate ,so I want know How to get current ProcessKey in my method by Context.
thanks lot