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Forum Posts

Repository.getRootHome() and multitenancy

there is repositoryHelper bean, with org.alfresco.repo.model.Repository class, used in several places, including patches. Repository .getRootHome() is used as a starting point for the search, for example ActivitiesTemplatesUpdatePatch.getBaseTemplate...

Check Documents Upload

Hi, I am new with Alfresco and need a function/plugin/amp, etc that provides the user the hability to upload files but from a determined ones, i mean.For example, I want to the user uploads photos, charts, stadistics and videos (and 30 more) in a sit...

jose444 by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] Problème de validation d'un formulaire sur chrome

Bonjour,J'ai un problème lors de la validation d'un formulaire. Ce problème apparaît sur Chrome et IE mais pas sur Firefox.L'erreur provient lors de l'appel du webscript formprocessor ( : Caused by: org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError...

dguezou by Champ in-the-making
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Custom role to view all the space hierarchy

Hello,We have a requirement to create a custom role who can view all the spaces and subspaces, even if "Inherit Permission" is disabled and user not invited.Well, just like Administrators can view all the spaces without invitation. But We need a role...

nikes by Champ on-the-rise
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Creation dashlet alfresco share

Bonjour,Est ce que vous pouvez m'aider comment créer un dashlet pour alfresco share.eventuellement en utilisant SIDE-Labs.Merci d'avance

WQS - Probleme d'accès

Bonjour,Je suis en version Alfresco 3.4.Je suis en train de découvrir WQS et je rencontre le problème suivant :-J'ai créé un site SHARE dans lequel j'ai personnalisé le tableau de bord en ajoutant 'Démarrage rapide WCM'-J'ai sélectionné 'Finance' dan...

hb64 by Champ in-the-making
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Getting I18N string from alfresco webscripts

Hello!  I have a question. It's a very simple, but I'm not found solution in wiki and forum. I have .property file with I18N string and webscript in alfresco(not in share). How to get I18N string from webscript? Share and ftl have a ways to do it, bu...

SSO with Passthru and NTLM

Hello everyone,I have been trying to configure Alfresco for SSO with Passthru for both CIFS and the Share Module in Alfresco Enterprise (test version). I managed to get the network drive mapped with SSO and it works for Share works as well, but only ...

fochlac by Champ in-the-making
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