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Forum Posts

Lucene and Solr at the Same time

I have the question with regard to Alfresci CE 4.0dIs it possible and whe it is the case, how it is possible to perform Lucene AND Solr indexing at the same time?And perform Lucene OR Solr Search by choose once per startup of Alfresco Server?Best reg...

tschaefer by Champ in-the-making
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dir.root änderung missglückt

Hallo Zusammen,bin leider nicht allzu fit was das Thema angeht, doch nach vergeblicher stundenlanger Suche bleibt mir jetzt nichts anderes übrig, als das ich mich ans Forum wende.Habe wie überall beschrieben, bei der Datei ...

gregor04 by Champ in-the-making
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Bind Task to a business object

Hi,I would like to create a task via "TaskService().saveTask()" and bind it to a business object.So I need a relation between a task and my business object-What is the best approach to make it happen. I dont want create a process because it is just a...

ovonel by Champ in-the-making
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404 error on activiti-explorer

I have recently installed Activiti and had help to get the modeller installedMy demo appears to have been installed correctly and is running yet I am getting the following error when trying to open http://localhost:8080/activiti-explorertype Status r...

mikepoole by Champ in-the-making
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Problema alfresco

Hola, Tengo alfresco 4.0 montado sobre Ubuntu  10.04 .Al arrancar alfresco 4.0 no me aparece ningún error en el log (aunque si algun Warning), pero o nada más arrancar se paran los procesos, tal y como se ven el log. ¿Alguna idea de que mirar o porqu...

miguelrojo by Champ in-the-making
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[REST] Problem with deployment

Hi all,i'm trying to build a js client for the activiti REST-API. Till now i can login and do all operations supported by the rest-api except the deployment of a process. As i read from the api, it's a normal form post… I did an ajax POST (with corre...

goddanao by Champ in-the-making
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Filter workflows based on user groups

Hi All,I am trying to filter workflows based on user groups. For eg: workflow 'Adhoc task' should be viewable only to members belonging to GROUP_testgrp whereas others should'nt be able to see 'Adhoc Task' in their workflow list.I am using alfresco 4...

rashmi by Champ in-the-making
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Node API

I'm making a custom action and i want to change the description of a file (node), inside alfresco.I saw that there are methods like setTitle and setDescription but i found them only for actions or others (wiki pages ecc).Those methods are aviable for...

Problema Regola.

Ho un problema con una regola che, per quanto presumo sia banale, non riesco a risolvere  ops: Io creato un aspect chiamato "contratto terminato" ed ho due cartelle chiamate "Contratti in Corso" e "Contratti Terminati".Ho creato un'azione che assegna...