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Forum Posts

Customized association form field for workflow page

Hello,I want to create a custom associated form field in a workflow page similar to the field where you can select the assigned person in the workflow start page. The association is a datalist. I have tried it but in the box for selecting an item onl...

sayal by Champ in-the-making
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Panel de bienvenida

Por favor, necesito saber si es posible quitar el panel de bienvenida para los usuarios nuevos. Y otra pregunta ¿es posible crear una pagina con los mismos dashlets para cada usuario que creemos?.Muchas gracias, espero vuestra ayuda.

borosir by Champ in-the-making
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Próximos webinars de Alfresco en español

Hola a todos,Os escribo para haceros saber los próximos webinars que haremos sobre Alfresco, en español y gratuitos como siempre. Tenéis toda la info aquí para el registro e información adicional: - MAY - Pe...

Error en la gestión de usuarios

Hola a todos, antes de nada, comentaros que en esto de Alfresco estoy bastante verde. Tengo un alfresco community 3.0.0 (c 1342) y sin saber como, resulta que no puedo modificar a un usuario que se llama Fernando, pero es más, no puede hacer ninguna ...

p_pimenton by Champ in-the-making
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hide options in copy-move-to

I have followed the steps listed in the below site: I am seeing the options. Could some one assist me. I am using 4.1.5Thanks

IdentityService Part Of Mybatis, Activiti5.14

Thanks for Activiti Team make this amazing framework, and we can custom it by Spring Injection. But when I want to make the part of My IndentityService, I found that the mybatis`s mappings.xml couldn`t injected. Because I want to use my own User, Mem...

maiwj by Champ in-the-making
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Completed process: how to visualize and show variables

I've got a process that doesn't have any human tasks. I'd like to see its variables and execution path just as if I was looking at a running process (for debugging and monitoring). Is this possible? Sounds like an obvious use case, I just hope its hi...

imbaczek by Champ in-the-making
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Upload form

Salve a tutti, sto cercando di modificare il form di upload dei file in modo che mi compaia una listbox nella quale mi chieda di scegliere il tipo di documento che sto caricando e, successivamente, mi venga mostrata una form di inserimento dei valori...

tytanix by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Share MetaDBConnector Component Released!

Hi all!  .. I have the pleasure to announce the release of our Alfresco MetaDBConnector Component. You can download it from (the sources will be soon).But, Why would  we use is this...

venzia by Star Collaborator
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Deploying a custom page to Alfresco share

I had been trying to add a new page to the Alfresco Share UI. But, I never managed to get this working because when ever I deploy the code as a .jar file and restart alfresco I don't see the required content. This sample is given in the Alfresco offi...