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Forum Posts

Unable to delete files

I have a 4.2.f installation and am sometimes unable to delete files. No spaces or strange characters in the names.  I am using the admin account and the files were created by me.  When I use share it just says "Can not delete document 'x'".  I also t...

ddelapasse by Champ in-the-making
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Cold Backup PostgreSQL y Alfresco 4.2.C Windows Local

Bueno, he leído que ANTES de echar a andar un Alfresco para producción, debemos asegurarnos que podemos crear y restaurar los backups de toda la información que contenga la aplicación… Quizás el 99.9% de usuarios de Alfresco sepan hacerlo, pero aún f...

Get Folders only under /Site

Hi, I get all folders over CMIS withELECT * FROM cmis:folder c‍‍‍Now I only will get folders under /Sites folder (and no sub folders of Folders under /Site). Is this possible and how?Thanks a lot!Generic1

generic1 by Champ in-the-making
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Importing Alfresco templates to a custom template

Hi,I'm implementing a custom controller and in my template I would like to include Alfresco template alfresco-template.ftl. The path to the template is alfresco/templates/org/alfresco/include/alfresco-template.ftl. How do I include the template to my...

sihnu by Champ in-the-making
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Advanced search within a site

Standard Alfresco behaviour is that via the advanced search, a search is launched over all sites to which I have access. To restrict the advanced search to search within a site (go to the advanced search from within a site) we updated the search.js f...

Activiti-Process details are not saving in database

Hello team,I am working on running simple BPMN flow through actviti. I am able to execute script and service tasks.But the process details are not getting saved to db .Below are my files.activiti.cfg-mem-fullhistory.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="U...

Thread sleep or timer?

Hi,I have a script task that will hit an API to check if a job is finished.I need to keep checking the API every few minutes and if the job is not finished within an hour, I need to send a notification (but keep checking the API until it's finished)....

jhahn by Champ in-the-making
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Remove 'New List' button

Hi,I am on Windows 7x64bits with Alfresco Community 4.2.ejava version 1.8.0_31I would like to remove the button "New List" in the toolbar of the datalist template.I found it here :- <Alfresco_home>\tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-w...

Unable to find BPMN20.xsd

I am having an application developed in scala. I am using activiti engine in that application. Activiti Version : 5.17.0Scala : 2.11I have created an executable jar file of my application(using sbt-one-jar). I am able to deploy the process successful...

yadavan88 by Champ in-the-making
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