I have a script task that will hit an API to check if a job is finished.
I need to keep checking the API every few minutes and if the job is not finished within an hour, I need to send a notification (but keep checking the API until it's finished).
while (jobNotFinished) {
hit API.
if (jobFinished) {
} else {
and I'll have a boundary timer event set to jobStartTime + 1hour to send a notification.
Is this the correct way? What would happen on a server restart if it's in the while loop?
I've thought about having an exclusive gateway that will point back to the task but not sure how I would setup a boundary timer so that it doesn't run again when it keeps running the task every 5 mins even after 1hour has past. I could set a variable to mark it as sent, but that doesn't sound "right"?
Any insight would be helpful to this BPMN noob.