06-06-2007 08:51 AM
in org.alfresco.web.pr.PressReleaseBean
public static List getPressReleases(PageContext pageContext)
throws Exception
FormDataFunctions ef = new ServletContextFormDataFunctionsAdapter(pageContext.getServletContext());
Map entries = ef.parseXMLDocuments("press-release", "/media/releases/content");
List result = new ArrayList(entries.size());
java.util.Map.Entry entry;
for(Iterator i$ = entries.entrySet().iterator(); i$.hasNext(); result.add(loadPressRelease((Document)entry.getValue(), (String)entry.getKey())))
entry = (java.util.Map.Entry)i$.next();
return result;
06-06-2007 01:20 PM
06-19-2007 04:35 AM
* In the authoring environment, generate your web pages accessing files and folders via CIFS (straight FS calls - no AVMRemote). In this case, you can deploy to a remote file system, with no change in site behavior even though you are running a normal servlet container in the run-time (not the virt server).
* In the authoring environment, generate your web pages leveraging AVMRemote. In this case, you can deploy to a remote Alfresco server with 2.0.1E. Once again, in this case you will have no functional difference upon deployment if push to run-time not running the virt server. Any servlet container will do.
06-19-2007 05:55 AM
* In the authoring environment, generate your web pages accessing files and folders via CIFS (straight FS calls - no AVMRemote). In this case, you can deploy to a remote file system, with no change in site behavior even though you are running a normal servlet container in the run-time (not the virt server).
In this approach, can you still virtualize sandboxes through the virtual server ? from my understanding no, because content access must be done by AVMRemote in order to take advantage of the layered folders features (since CIFS is quite limited). Is it correct ?
* In the authoring environment, generate your web pages leveraging AVMRemote. In this case, you can deploy to a remote Alfresco server with 2.0.1E. Once again, in this case you will have no functional difference upon deployment if push to run-time not running the virt server. Any servlet container will do.
That approach implies that you are forced to stay connected to an Alfresco repository to get access to the content. I mean that you can't create a totally disconnected website (for ex if you have heavy traffic requirements and static content).
Moreover I noticed a strange behavior with version 2.0.1E, I tried to push my website from an authoring Alfresco to a Publishing Alfresco (2 different servers) .I created a empty webiste on my target before the deployement as described in the WIKI, then run the deployement. The content has been successfuly copied and a new snapshot was there on the target plateform. However when trying to preview the target sandbox, all the links urls were targeting the authoring server not the live one !
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