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Automate Creation and Export/Import of Categories

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have around 1500 categories and subcategories in an existing non-Alfresco project, and i need to create these 1500 categories and subcategories in Alfresco repository.

Question: Is there any way in Alfresco to create this huge number of categories and subcategories automatically using an existing Alfresco script or utility? We can generate the existing 1500 categories and subcategories in CSV or XML format. Is there any option to automate the category creation process against doing it manually?

Also, how to export/import categories from development repository to production repository? We may not want to export/import all the contents of the development repository and overwrite the production repository.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Did you ever get an answer?
I'm also interested in importing custom category-trees…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

We did not get any reply from Alfresco, but we figured it out ourselves. You can import custom categories during the initial bootstrap process. You have to create your custom category tree in XML format similar to categories.xml file provided by Alfresco.

Do you need links to resources and other details?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
No thanks lock999. I appreciate the offer though.

I didn't spot this post last time:

You're right. You can do it through the bootstrap process.
This isn't a great option though.

Laboriously hand-crafting a category tree using the admin-section of the web-GUI is probably the option I'll settle for.

I'm tempted to write a Java class to read a category.xml file and perform the update using the API. Not sure yet.

Many thanks lock999.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
lock99 : could you add the links to resources and other details on how to solve this ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Tom, hi Lock,
do you guys have an update for us, what you did (and @Tom the source of your java actions for the community ?)

Regards, Norgan

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Guys

Step 1: Search for categories.xml in Alfresco folder.
Step 2: You then have to generate an xml file in this format for your custom categories and subcategories (i did this using a custom program). Call this file categories.xml
Step 3: Build alfresco.war with your categories.xml file instead of the one provided by Alfresco.
Step 4: Ensure you have a clean repository (example: clean oracle schema).
Step 5: Start Alfresco for the first time and the bootstrap process will create categories and subcategories as defined in categories.xml.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Step 4: Ensure you have a clean repository (example: clean oracle schema).

Step 4 was the one I forgot. Thanx lock999

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I also have a need to import a large Category hierarchy into an established Alfresco server.  I cannot bootstrap it so I created this Java class to import the categories from a plain text file.
package com.nkics.alfrescox.tool;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.alfresco.webservice.authentication.AuthenticationFault;
import org.alfresco.webservice.repository.QueryResult;
import org.alfresco.webservice.repository.RepositoryFault;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.CML;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.CMLCreate;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.NamedValue;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.ParentReference;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.Query;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.Reference;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.ResultSet;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.ResultSetRow;
import org.alfresco.webservice.types.Store;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.AuthenticationUtils;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.Constants;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.ISO9075;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.Utils;
import org.alfresco.webservice.util.WebServiceFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

* <pre>
* Create a Category hierarchy in Alfresco from a plain text file.
* This Class uses the Alfresco Web Services Client to connect to an Alfresco CMS.
* <b>Usage:</b> java com.nkics.alfrescox.tool.CategoryImportTool &lt;filename&gt;
* <ul>filename - the text file containing the categories to be created.</ul>
* The text file should contain one category path (hierarchy) per line.
* Each category path is formatted like this: /cm:Parent/cm:SubCategory/cm:SubSubCategory
* Parent categories that do not exist will be created automatically.
* This class logs messages using the Common Logging package.
* Many of the methods in this class were defined in a reusable manner.  In other words, You don't have to execute this class
* from the command line.  Any of the public methods can be used to leverage all or part of the functionality provided by this tool.
* For example
* <ul>
* <li>To Create a Category: Simply create an instance of CategoryImportTool, and call createCategory(String path).
* <li>To Create multiple Categories from any source: Simply create an instance of CategoryImportTool, and call createCategories(Collection categories).
* </pre>
* @author swick April 22, 2009
public class CategoryImportTool
   public static final String ALFRESCO_USERNAME_PROPERTY = "repository.username";
   public static final String ALFRESCO_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "repository.password";
   public static final String ALFRESCO_WEBSERVICECLIENT_PROPERTIES = "/alfresco/";
   private static final String ROOT_CATEGORY = "/cm:generalclassifiable";
   private final String SUBCATEGORIES = "subcategories"; // the propertyname of subcategories
   private final String SUBCATEGORIES_Q = Constants.createQNameString(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, SUBCATEGORIES);
   private final String CATEGORY = "category"; // the propertyname of subcategories
   private final String CATEGORY_Q = Constants.createQNameString(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, CATEGORY);
   private final Store STORE = new Store(Constants.WORKSPACE_STORE, "SpacesStore");
   /** Maps Parent Category Paths to Reference objects. Caches Parent Category lookups. **/
   private Map<String,Reference> ROOT_REFERENCE_CACHE = new HashMap<String,Reference>();
   private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    * Invoke the CategoryImportTool from the command line.
    * @param args Command line arguments.  arg[0] should be the filename containing the categories to import.
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
      if (args.length == 0)

      CategoryImportTool migration = new CategoryImportTool();

    * This method creates an Alfresco Web Service session {@link #setUp()}, reads the categories to
    * import from the filename provided {@link #readCategoriesFromFile(String)}, creates each category,
    * and ends the Alfresco web service session. 
    * @param filename is the name of a file on the local filesystem to import.
    * @throws AuthenticationFault if there is a problem creating the Alfresco web service session.  (username/password is invalid, or alfresco/ cannot be found or cannot connect to the URL specified)
    * @throws RemoteException - There was a problem querying for or creating a category.
    * @throws IOException - There was a problem reading the import file, the file doesn't exist, or you don't have permission to read the file.
   public void runApp(String filename) throws IOException
   {"Importing categories from "+filename);
      Collection<String> categories = readCategoriesFromFile(filename);
      tearDown();"Category import completed.");

    * Read categories from a file into a Collection.
    * This method simply adds each line from the file into the Collection.
    * Blank lines and comments (lines starting with a # character) are ignored (they are not included in the Collection.
    * @param fileName is the full path to a file to open for reading.
    * @return a new Collection of Strings, one per line in the file.
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the filename specified.
   public Collection<String> readCategoriesFromFile(String fileName) throws IOException
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
      Vector<String> categories = new Vector<String>();
      String str = null;
      while ((str = in.readLine()) != null)
            continue; // skip blank lines
            continue; // skip comments starting with the # character
      return categories;

    * This method loops over the Collection provided and invokes {@link #createCategory(String)}
    * @param categories is a Collection of Strings, where each String is a category path to be created.  example: "/cm:CatA/cm:Cat1/cm:CatI"
    * @throws RemoteException is thrown from {@link #createCategory(String)} if there is a problem creating a category in Alfresco.
   public void createCategories(Collection<String> categories) throws RemoteException
      for (String category : categories)

    * <pre>
    * Create a Category in Alfresco.  This method will automatically create any parent categories if they do not exist.
    * If the Category already exist, it will be skipped without throwing an exception.
    * The following messages are written using the Common Logging package
    * </pre>
    * <ul>
    * <li><em>category already exists: {path}</em> # Logged at the INFO level if the category already exists.
    * <li><em>creating category: {path}</em> # Logged at the INFO level if the category is being created (it does not exist).
    * </ul>
    * @param path is a Category Path (hierarchy) like "/cm:CatA/cm:Cat1/cm:CatI"
    * @throws RemoteException from {@link #createCategory(String, ParentReference)} if Alfresco reports a problem creating the category.
   public void createCategory(String path) throws RemoteException
      // Recursively create parent categories, if necessary.
      Reference rootRef = null;
      String parentCategoryPath = getParentCategoryPath(path);

      // Make sure the category doesn't already exist in Alfresco.
      {"category already exists: "+path);
      // Create the category."creating category:" + path);
      String childCategoryName = getChildCategoryName(path);
      ParentReference parentRef = new ParentReference(STORE, rootRef.getUuid(), null, SUBCATEGORIES_Q, Constants.createQNameString(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, childCategoryName));
      createCategory(childCategoryName, parentRef);

    * Get the Parent categories from the category path provided.
    * @param path a Category path like "/cm:CatA/cm:Cat1/cm:CatI"
    * @return all text up to the last / character, or null if there is no / character in the path provided.  ie: "/cm:CatA/cm:Cat1"
   protected String getParentCategoryPath(String path)
         return null;
      return path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"));

    * Get the child category name from the category path provided.
    * @param path a Category path like "/cm:CatA/cm:Cat1/cm:CatI"
    * @return all text from the last "/cm:" character sequence to the end of the path.  ie: "CatI"
   protected String getChildCategoryName(String path)
      return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/cm:")+4); // get the last category and strip off the "/cm:".

    * Actually create the Category described by the parentRef and categoryName provided
    * @param categoryName is just the Name of the category to be created, without a namespace.  ie: "CatI"
    * @param parentRef is a reference to the parent category.  ie: "/cm:CatA/cm:Cat1"
    * @throws RemoteException
   protected void createCategory(String categoryName, ParentReference parentRef) throws RemoteException
      NamedValue[] properties = new NamedValue[] { Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_NAME, categoryName) };

      CMLCreate create = new CMLCreate("1", parentRef, null, null, null, CATEGORY_Q, properties);
      CML cml = new CML();
      cml.setCreate(new CMLCreate[] { create });


    * Get the Parent Category specified.  Root Categories are cached to improve performance and reduce load on the Alfresco server.
    * @param parentCategoryPath is a path relative to /cm:generalclassifiable (ROOT_CATEGORY).  Can be null, in which case ROOT_CATEGORY is returned.
    * @return a Reference to the Root Category
    * @throws RemoteException if {@link #getCategory(String)} throws this exception.
    * @throws RepositoryFault if {@link #getCategory(String)} throws this exception.
    * @see getCategory(String)
   private Reference getRootReference(String parentCategoryPath) throws RepositoryFault, RemoteException
      // Return Cached Reference, if available.
         return ROOT_REFERENCE_CACHE.get(parentCategoryPath);

      // Get the Category from Alfresco, cache it, and return it.
      Reference r = getCategory(parentCategoryPath);
         ROOT_REFERENCE_CACHE.put(parentCategoryPath, r); // Add Reference to cache.
      return r;

    * Get a Category from Alfresco.
    * @param categoryPath is a path relative to /cm:generalclassifiable (ROOT_CATEGORY).  Can be null, in which case /cm:generalclassifiable is returned.
    * @return a Reference to the Category requested, or null if the category doesn't exist.
    * @throws RemoteException
    * @throws RepositoryFault
   public Reference getCategory(String categoryPath) throws RepositoryFault, RemoteException
      String luceneQueryString = "PATH:\""+ROOT_CATEGORY+(categoryPath==null?"":encodeCategoryPath(categoryPath))+"\"";
      Query query = new Query(Constants.QUERY_LANG_LUCENE, luceneQueryString);

      QueryResult result = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().query(STORE, query, true);
      ResultSet rs = result.getResultSet();
         return null;
      ResultSetRow[] rows = rs.getRows();
      String uuid = rows[0].getNode().getId();
      return new Reference(STORE, uuid, null);

    * Apply ISO9075 encoding to the Category Path provided.
    * @param categoryPath is a String like "/cm:Sports/cm:Water Polo"
    * @return the categoryPath provided with ISO9075 encoding applied to each category in the path, like "/cm:Sports/cm:Water_x0020_Polo".
   public static final String encodeCategoryPath(String categoryPath)
      categoryPath = categoryPath.substring(4); // Strip off the leading '/cm:'
      String[] categories = categoryPath.split("/cm:"); // Split the category path by the remaining '/cm:' strings.
      StringBuffer encodedCategoryPath = new StringBuffer();
      for(String category : categories)
      return encodedCategoryPath.toString();

    * Creates an Alfresco web service session.  Called by {@link #runApp(String)}.
    * <p>
    * By default the username and password are "admin".  The default values can be overridden by adding the {@link #ALFRESCO_USERNAME_PROPERTY}
    * specifying these properties on the Java command line with the "-D" command line argument.  System properties will take precedence
    * @throws AuthenticationFault if there is a problem logging into the Alfresco web service with the username and password provided.
    * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading ALFRESCO_WEBSERVICECLIENT_PROPERTIES from the classloader.
   public void setUp() throws AuthenticationFault, IOException
      // Set the Default values.
      String username = "admin";
      String password = "admin";
      // Attempt to read the username and password from the Alfresco web service client properties file.
      InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(ALFRESCO_WEBSERVICECLIENT_PROPERTIES);
         Properties properties = new Properties();
         username = getUsername(properties, username);
         password = getPassword(properties, password);
      // Attempt to read the username and password from the System properties.
      username = getUsername(System.getProperties(), username);
      password = getPassword(System.getProperties(), password);
   "creating Alfresco web service client session with username '"+username+"' and password '"+password+"'.");
      AuthenticationUtils.startSession(username, password);

   protected String getUsername(Properties p, String originalValue)
         return p.getProperty(ALFRESCO_USERNAME_PROPERTY);
      return originalValue;
   protected String getPassword(Properties p, String originalValue)
         return p.getProperty(ALFRESCO_PASSWORD_PROPERTY);
      return originalValue;

    * Ends the Alfresco web service session.  Called by {@link #runApp(String)}.
   public void tearDown()

   protected static void printUsage()
      System.out.println("java "+CategoryImportTool.class.getName()+" <filename>");

Compile:  This class only depends on the Alfresco Web Service Client API JAR and the dependency JAR files included with the Web Service Client ZIP.  I compiled it with Alfresco Web Service Client 2.9.0B and JDK 6.

Configure:  Set repository.location in 'alfresco/'.  By default this class uses the username and password "admin/admin" to log into Alfresco.  You can change the username and password by setting repository.username and/or repository.password in alfresco/ or on the command line with the "-D" java command line argument.
Note:  Make sure that the Alfresco web service client JAR and all of its dependency JARs are in your CLASSPATH.  Also make sure that the folder containing your "alfresco/" file is in your CLASSPATH.

Run: java com.nkics.alfrescox.tool.CategoryImportTool <filename>

Replace <filename> with a simple flat file like "My Categories.txt"

My Categories.txt
# Consultant Categories

# Distributor Categories

# Star Retailer Categories

I hope this helps!  I know it helped me!

5/30/2008 - Modified the to perform ISO9075 encoding, in order to handle categories with spaces appropriately.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
That helped a lot Smiley Happy Thank you very much.

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