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Authorities Container Moved

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sorry about duble posting. I wrote about this recently but maybe in the wrong place, so here it may have more visibility

I've problems to bootstrap groups because the authorities container has been moved from user store to spaces store.
Since there might be others that bootstrap groups, I think you must clarify if this is a mistake or done by intentions.
IMHO it made more sense in the user store than in the current position.

So when importing a group into /sys:system/sys:authorities you get

Caused by: org.alfresco.service.cmr.view.ImporterException: Path /sys:system/sys:authorities within node user://alfrescoUserStore/bb6e0ce9-110a- … b98476e7d5 does not exist - the path must resolve to a valid location
Because user://alfrescoUserStore/ node is there but /sys:system/sys:authorities is not there any more!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I found the following note on SVN:
14555: Authority service changes for LDAP sync improvements
      - Moved sys:authorities container to spaces store
so it seems that it is intentional.

The changes are made by 'davew', I looked in this forum but could not find his account (to see if he is an Alfresco employee). However this user is quite active on SVN, as far as I know.
What I'm looking for is if this change is 'official' or someone from the alfresco team is going to revert it (since it could break compatibility with group bootstrap as in my case, or cause trouble with import/export). Note that I don't want to be polemic, just want to know if I must change location target in my group bootstrap AMP or not (because it is going to be reverted soon).

Thanks, and sorry for the trouble generated


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
All svn commits are official.


P.S. davew is dward on the forums.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
OK, thanks, so he is an alfresco engineer. That is sufficient to me (by far). Smiley Happy
I also noticed that most of the user model has been ported into the content model

Thank you very much for your reply, I think it implicitly answers the topic question, too


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I finally got it working - more or less

I replaced all "" elements with "" by doing a simple replace in the bootstrap file from usr: to cm:
I also had replaced <sys:store-protocol>user</sys:store-protocol> with <sys:store-protocol>sys</sys:store-protocol>

Now Import goes without exception, but my own groups do not show in the web UI. I compared my groups with the ones defined in the alfresco bootstrap to see if there were differences, and I noticed a new container in the spaces store root named "zones", which contain a reference to bootstrap groups as well as newly defined groups from the UI.

From there, two other containers of type cm:zone with children named inZone that reference the GROUPS.

What are zones? I could not find any reference in the wiki, and I've got trouble importing them with bootstrap, since I got the error 'Live node exists'. My importer bean is defined in this way:

    <bean id="broadwayGroupBootstraps" class="org.alfresco.repo.module.ImporterModuleComponent" parent="module.baseComponent">
        <property name="moduleId" value="broadwaysolutions-polys" />
        <property name="name" value="broadwayBootstraps.bootstrapGroups" />
        <property name="description" value="Initial groups requirements" />
        <property name="sinceVersion" value="1.0" />
        <property name="appliesFromVersion" value="1.0" />
        <property name="importer" ref="userBootstrap2"/>
        <property name="bootstrapViews">
               <prop key="path">/${alfresco_user_store.system_container.childname}/${system.authorities_container.childname}</prop>
                    <prop key="location">alfresco/module/broadwaysolutions-polys/bootstrap/groups.xml</prop>
               <prop key="path">/${alfresco_user_store.system_container.childname}/sys:zones/cm:AUTH.ALF</prop>
                    <prop key="location">alfresco/module/broadwaysolutions-polys/bootstrap/new.xml</prop>

Here userBootstrap2 is the same as the usual user bootstrap, but with spacestore store instead of userstore
groups.xml is doing the right thing (adding the group to the auth container), new.xml is trying to add reference inside cm:AUTH.ALF

new.xml is currently defined as:
<view:view xmlns:view=""
                         view:childName="usr:GROUP_WF_MANUALE_QUALITA" />

Any suggestions are welcome!  Thanks in advance
