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Audit by specific actions

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am using share-extras dashlet for audit in alfresco enterprise 4 share.
There is a limit of 100 records, is it possible to make it unlimited??

another thing is how can I provide a query to see old value change + new value change.
e.g. let say I rename admin lastName = test   to   lastName = demo

it will audit and show both name in dashlet.

please help …

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

as far as I see in the code, you can simply add a "limit" parameter to the web script component URI and the dashlet will handle that accordingly - the 100 limit is only the default of the Repository API if no limit is provided.
Or, if you want a general override, just override the audit-application-data.get.js and set your limit in the 5th line.

As far as the "from" - "to" display is concerned: It is possible to adapt this, but this would certainly require more coding and a fair bit of mapping between different audit values. It depends on your audit configuration, what values are collected under which key and the dashlet can not know about your specific configuration. You would need to implement an enhancement that matches two keys (based on configuration) as "before" and "after" data and displays their values accordingly.

Please note that I have not actively used the Audit dashlet myself and my comments are based on a preliminary code "review" - so the second part of my answer may neglect a different solution that I currently do not see.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks a lot Axel,

Actually I am looking if we can specify filter value to to achieve something like that or to activate audit for our custom properties.


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

have you checked out the wiki article about Auditing? Configuration options including definition on what values are collected are described therein.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Axel,

I have read that but could not understand how to map our custom properties to make them enable.
I have no idea to expand sub-actions, if so I can view more details for updateNodeProperties.

I also reffered sample xmls they had given but could not properly map it.
Any pointer would help to go ahead with example.

Current log is like below

[ action : UPDATE CONTENT ]
[ user : admin ]
[ path : /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:clm/cm:surf-config/cm:components/ ]
[ from : {{}modified=Mon May 21 16:19:52 IST 2012, {}content=contentUrl=store://2012/5/21/16/19/8ab25721-3713-4...} ]
[ to : {{}modified=Mon May 21 16:27:19 IST 2012, {}content=contentUrl=store://2012/5/21/16/27/7bfa4272-60d2-4...} ]
[ sub-actions : updateContent updateNodeProperties ]
[ type : cm:content ]
if I can expand sub-actions by anyway I can see results.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Can we track IP address of client?