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ASR deployment on 2 machines

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Hi All,

I am facing below error while I try to deploy the webproject to some other machine. It is working fine if I try to deploy on the same machine, give error only if i try depoying to other machine.
Error :
Deployment Failed
11170016 Could not connect to remote deployment receiver, transportName:default,hostName:{IP ADDRESS},port:50500

I am using Alfresco 3.3 enterprise version on weblogic 10.3.3 server.

Could anyone please help me deploy content from one machine to another machine?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
What O.S. is your receiver on?  

Two things to check.
Make sure that you have not bound 50500 to localhost or
Make sure you don't have a firewall blocking access.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Thank you for the response.

I tried below things to do.
At receiver machine, in file, put below entries.'s IP address

At sender's machine, in file, put below entries.

However, it was still giving me the same error.

Could you please let me know how to solve this problem?

How to check - 'Make sure that you have not bound 50500 to localhost or'

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Anyone who will be interested to know about the solution,I got it working fine for me.

Apart from the settings mentioned above, there is one more configuration required to be done before starting the alfresco server.
'-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=Receiver's machine IP address' as the last entry in JAVA_OPTS settings.

After doing this, you will be able to successfully deploy from one machine to another machine.

Just for your curiosity, it might interest you if you want to know in detail, what are the things I tried doing to achieve this.
1. Alfresco server opens up the 50500 port bound to
2. If you try doing telnet to the receiver, it won't be able to communicate as it is bound to and not to the actual IP address.
3. Set up the entry against JAVA_OPTS as mentioned above.
4. Deployment from one machine to other will be successful.

Hope this will help to all those who come across such problem.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, I was looking at your post to try and learn more about ASR deployment, perhaps you can help me.

I'd like to deploy content from Web Project A to Web Project B on the same Alfresco server (version 3.1.2). What parameters should I use? When I'm configuring the ASR in the Edit Web Project Wizard, I think the important ones are:
  • Host: <Alfresco server hostname>

  • Port: <leave blank to default to 50500?>

  • URL: <not important, leave blank>

  • Username: <a valid username for the Alfresco server?>

  • Password: <the password for that user?>

  • Source Path: ???

  • Excludes: <not important?>
I'm confused by the "Source Path" parameter when I configure a new ASR in my web project; what should go in here?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

When you are configuring the deployment receiver on authoring environment, Please see my answer below.

    * Host: This will be the IP address of the receiver machine.
    * Port: Don't leave it blank. It would be the RMI port to connect to the destination server. You may put it as 50500.
    * URL: You may leave it blank. It is the runtime URL of the destination server. Can be used to preview the deployment, upon a successful deployment.
    * Username: It is the username to use to connect to the destination server.
    * Password: It is the password for the username provided above to use to connect to the destination server.
    * Source Path: It is a path of the folder to deploy.e.g./ROOT/site1. You may leave it blank.
    * Excludes: You may leave it blank. It is a single regular expression of items to exclude from the deployment.

I hope it helps.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi ramsche
                   Can u tell me how to deploy within same machine,i dont get preview,deploy successful,it shows the same error what u mentioned for other machine,pls tell me the clear steps for preview and deploy to the same machine first.

Sorry to ask in ur question.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Hope you have started the virtualization server.

if not you will need to start the Alfresco Virtualization server:
- on Windows run virtual_start.bat
- on Linux run sh start

Hope it helps.


Do give a point if it was helpful to you.