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Are several simple workflows allowed at same space?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm trying to build an easy workflow using the "Simple Workflow" feature. In several steps (spaces) the user must reject or aprove a document and, depending on the document type, to move it to one of three spaces. I've done a regular aprove/reject workflow for a type that worked fine and an aprove workflow for another type. This second one wasn't shown in "Actions" list and in the "Workflow" tab of document's "Details". Does Alfresco work this way? Can we configure only one single workflow per space?

Thanks for any help.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Your document can have one forward step and one backward step. If the folder you want to move the document to depends on the document type, create an intermediate folder (called "post-approval" or something) and then create a rule on that folder that gets executed as soon as a document is created in it. That rule can move the document to the appropriate folder based on the document's type. You may have to set up three rules on the folder, one that filters for each of the type/folder combinations.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
OK! I made a intermediate space with a set of rules that worked as you said.

Two questions more:
1) It seems that it's impossible to send an e-mail when we just "want": the rules are associated to events in the spaces as document creation, arrival or deletion. So, if we want do not send anything when the document is created but send a notification when a document is moved into a space, it isn't possible. Is it true?

2) It seens that the documents "store" the rules that exist when they are created ou uploaded to repository. As the rules are created or modified, they don't are allowed for the old documents, only to those created ou uploaded after the rules creation or modification. Is it true?

Thanks a lot for your help!

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
1) It seems that it's impossible to send an e-mail when we just "want": the rules are associated to events in the spaces as document creation, arrival or deletion. So, if we want do not send anything when the document is created but send a notification when a document is moved into a space, it isn't possible. Is it true?
Correct, rules do not know the difference between documents being created for the first time and documents moving. I suppose you could set a property when a document is created and then check for that property in the rule as a workaround.

2) It seens that the documents "store" the rules that exist when they are created ou uploaded to repository. As the rules are created or modified, they don't are allowed for the old documents, only to those created ou uploaded after the rules creation or modification. Is it true?
Not exactly. Rules live in the folder, not the document. When you modify rules they will not automatically be re-applied to existing documents. But when you modify a rule you can tell Alfresco to re-apply the rule.

For example, if you have a rule that runs when a document is updated, and the rule is configured to run a script called "myScriptOne.js", when you update the document, the rule will run that script. If you then modify the rule to run a script called "myScriptTwo.js", all documents that get updated in the folder will have "myScriptTwo.js" executed against it regardless of if the documents were created before or after the rule change.
