i need to generate the activiti diagram in my bussiness process, lately i was using activiti 5.11 and just yesterday i have upgraded to 5.13. generating the diagram using 5.11 was a bit annoying but i have managed to do it. using 5.13 generting diagram is too simple it just need the model and improvment has been made at which the text on the arrow is now appearing when generating the diagram but still they have two problem: first: encoding my text are written in arabic. second: text position is not the same as my design, they usually apear at the center
how to solve the problem of arabic or at least how to let my english text apear in their actual place
I think the algorithm is not 100% the same as Java2D is harder to work with. Especially fonts are difficult, eg. there is no way to know how big a rectangle with text in it is using Java2D. Hence why I believe there is a difference.
I fyou want 100% the exact image, add the image to the deployment of the process definition, with the same name as the process definition and it will be returned as the diagram for that process.