I found a previous post on the same problem but it didn't seem to be resolved. I have tried various forms for the output paths, and all give the same error.
The only thing strange I can see is that the location /ROOT/simple 2.xml does not match the name of the form data which is form 6.xml, which I assume it should?
I'm using the current downloadable version of Labs 3, running on Windows XP.
How do I find our what store it can't find? Would be really nice if the error message made this clear.
I've gone back to the beginning, reinstalled from scratch, followed the instructions in the tutorial to the letter as far as I can tell, and I've got one step further before hitting the same problem.
Previously I got the error when the wizard was trying to display the input form for the press releases. Now that works, and generates the xml, but when it tries to generate a rendition it gets the same error, as follows: —- Please correct the errors below then click Finish. * Error generating rendition using press-release-plain-text.ftl: Store not found. Summary The wizard has successfully created the content and all renditions. Content Details test9.xml test Form: Press Release Form Location: /ROOT/test press release 1 no template.xml —
Once again, the Location quoted does not correspond to either the name or location of the file required, which should have been '/media/releases/content/test9.xml'.
<!– dynamically loads the company footer choices simple type –> <!– xs:include schemaLocation="/media/releases/get_company_footer_choices_simple_type.jsp"/ –>
I'm having the same issue as Peter for the most part….can anyone help us out?
Is this a generic error message if you have misconfigured a web form?
I've followed all the instructions and triple checked all my files and I still get something like, "error regenerating rendition using Page.xslt: Store not found." everytime!!!!!!!