09-20-2011 01:48 AM
09-20-2011 02:30 AM
# Custom mappings. If 'include.default' is false, then this is the complete set.
The build directory then has09-20-2011 03:52 AM
09-20-2011 04:21 AM
<target name="package-amp" depends="mkdirs, build-copy, minimize-javascript" description="Package the Module" >
<zip destfile="${alfresco.amp.file}" >
<fileset dir="${project.dir}/build/alfresco" />
<zip destfile="${share.amp.file}" >
<fileset dir="${project.dir}/build/share" />
and the structure previously mentioned. Do you include the file-mapping.properties file? Do you have the module.properties file included?
09-20-2011 04:41 AM
02-05-2012 07:24 AM
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