05-21-2014 08:20 PM
05-21-2014 08:21 PM
05-22-2014 02:14 AM
05-26-2014 05:48 PM
06-24-2014 06:25 PM
usuarios[0]=new Array("cliente1","CLIENTE 1","CLIENTE 1","cliente1@empresa.com.br","cliente1","CLIENTE 1","PROJETO 1 - PEDIDO 001");
for (var i in usuarios)
username = usuarios[0];
firstname = usuarios[1];
lastname = usuarios[2];
email = usuarios[3];
passwd = usuarios[4];
nome_pastacliente = usuarios [5];
nome_projeto = usuarios [6];
nome_grupocliente = "G_CLI_"+usuarios [5];
people.createPerson(username, firstname, lastname, email, passwd, true);
var user = people.getPerson(username);
//create group …
//set user in the group …
//Set the start location
(1) user.properties["cm:initial-location"]= "myalfresco";
(2) user.properties["cm:initial-location"]= "My Home";
(3) user.properties["cm:defaultHomeFolderPath"]= "My Home";
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