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Alfresco Web Script Portlet rivet

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

AWPr is a JSR-168 portlet that can be used to expose remote Alfresco Web scripts, including those that need user authentication. With the help of a custom Alfresco authentication component that we wrote the portlet can carry the user credentials from the portal to Alfresco, authenticate the user in Alfresco and retrieve a ticket that can be used during all subsequent interactions between the end-user, the portlet and ultimately the Alfresco Web script itself.

Motivation for AWPr

When integrating Alfresco Web scripts with JBoss Portal or Liferay Portal AWPr alleviates the need for having to deploy all of Alfresco inside the portal as is the case when using Alfresco's OOTB (out-of-the-box) Web script portlet for Alfresco/Portal integration.

AWPr is also highly configurable. Through the use of portlet preferences you can create multiple instances of AWPr and configure each one with a different Web script URL and a set of parameters with default values if needed. The instance will then RESTfully fetch the result of the Web script's render phase and carry that over to the portlet finally rendering it on the screen within the confines of the portlet window.

It is hence possible to run two instances of AWPr on a single portal page where each instance is exposing a different Web script even if those Web scripts are hosted on two different Alfresco servers regardless of their geographic location.

AWPr lives here:

Feel free to ask questions about AWPr in this thread.

125 REPLIES 125

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi there.

I'm trying to use AWPr and STAr on my Liferay+Alfresco instalation.
I manually compiled AWPr from the sources following the comment given here and manually installed the awpr-example-webscripts-1.6.0.amp and star-1.3.0.amp since the apply_amps.bat doesn't work. Log here.
But when I restart Alfresco afterwards it gives some errors.
tomcat stdout log and stderr log

I'm using Alfresco 3.4d and Liferay 6.0.5.

Any help would be appreciated.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we started working on releasing a version of AWPr and STAr that work with Alfresco 3.4.0 and Liferay 6 (latest community edition).

We are planning on making those releases available the week of 03/28 around mid to late week.



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Alaaeldin,
first of all I'd like to thank you for your great work on STAr and AWPr components.

I managed to successfully install both and thus providing a bridge between Liferay (5.2.3) an Alfresco (3.4.d), but I'm facing some integration issues.

I'd like to expose the /ui/mytasks webscript, but I noticed that, when it tries to load the inner /ui/mytaskspanel webscript (as in the myspace portlet case), the mytasks web scripts persists in a loading state.

Debugging through Firebug I noticed that the call that starts from mytasks to mytaskspanel returns a 302 Moved Temporarily error, thus I can't get any result.

In order to provide more information about my use case I'm running Liferay on http://localhost:9080 and Alfresco on http://localhost:8080/alfresco

My AWPr configuration  is:

  Alfresco host:                         http://localhost:8080
  Alfresco Context Path:           /alfresco
  Script Url:                             /ui/mytasks
  Constant Script Parameters:
  Default Script Parameters:
  Proxy all URLs in this portlet: true
  Proxy URLs:
  Javascript Variable:                uimytasks
  REST Method Type:                 GET
  URL Encoding Type:               UTF-8

I'm using the latest AWPr downloaded from your repositories and STAr 1.3.0.

Thanks in advance! ^_^

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi frasta,

How are you accessing your portal and Alfresco?

Make sure the URLs to both are exactly the same (e.g. = Liferay    and = Alfresco).

If they're not exactly the same (even if only the ports are different) you will run in to this problem.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I see this thread is pretty old, but I try to ask it..
I want to test the AWPR in my Alfresco-Liferay integration, but if I go to the RivetLogic forge, it's not possible to find the awpr.war file.
Up to few days ago, the site was not operational and now it works but there is no "liferay"
and the same is applicable to the war file
Is this no more supported?
Thanks for your support

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hello Daniele,

Thank you for your interest in using AWPr.  We are in the process of putting the plugin in Liferay's Marketplace.  In the meantime please feel free to download the latest version of AWPr from its wiki pages using the following link:

Sorry for the inconvenience.
