12-16-2008 06:00 AM
12-16-2008 02:29 PM
12-16-2008 03:19 PM
12-17-2008 10:29 AM
Most likely it is not a requirement, what you are authenticating against is the username and password stored in Alfresco.
Have a look at these pages (and look at the categories in the bottom if each page, will take you further)
It may seem complex to understand, but so is every enterprise authentication out there, you can do this in so many ways.
12-18-2008 08:20 AM
12-18-2008 08:42 AM
01-02-2009 03:54 PM
Turn on logging in log4j.properties, in that file search for cifs, there are 3 entries there, 2 needs to be uncommented, set to debug. Restart Alfresco and post you log file.
INFO [org.alfresco.config.xml.XMLConfigService$PropertyConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/file-servers.properties]
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] preRegister called. Server=com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer@5a6b54ef, name=log4j:logger=org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth
INFO [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema managed by database dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect.
INFO [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] No changes were made to the schema.
INFO [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: /opt/alfresco/alf_data
INFO [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter] Checking for patches to apply …
INFO [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter] No patches were required.
INFO [org.alfresco.repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Found 0 module(s).
INFO [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.6.0_11-b03; maximum heap size 910.250MB
INFO [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco started (Labs): Current version 3.0.0 (c 1342) schema 1000 - Installed version 3.0.0 (c 1342) schema 1000
WARN [org.alfresco.linkvalidation.LinkValidationServiceImpl] LinkValidationService Update is not running (virtualization server not registered or started)
INFO [org.alfresco.web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 21 Web Scripts (+0 failed), 23 URLs
INFO [org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer] Initialised Presentation Web Script Container (in 64.423ms)
INFO [org.alfresco.web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 134 Web Scripts (+0 failed), 136 URLs
INFO [org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer] Initialised WebFramework Web Script Container (in 201.72899ms)
INFO [org.alfresco.web.site.FrameworkHelper] Successfully Initialized Web Framework
INFO [org.alfresco.web.site.FrameworkHelper] Successfully Initialized Web Framework
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup NTLMSSP, MID=8, UID=0, PID=65279
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos AP-REQ - [AP-REQ:APOptions=MutualAuth ,Ticket=Len=985,Authenticator=EncType=23,Kvno=-1,Len=180]
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos mutual auth required, parsing AP-REQ
ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos logon error
ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] java.lang.NullPointerException
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup NTLMSSP, MID=16, UID=0, PID=65279
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos AP-REQ - [AP-REQ:APOptions=MutualAuth ,Ticket=Len=1020,Authenticator=EncType=23,Kvno=-1,Len=175]
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos mutual auth required, parsing AP-REQ
ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos logon error
ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] java.lang.NullPointerException
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup NTLMSSP, MID=8, UID=0, PID=65279
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos AP-REQ - [AP-REQ:APOptions=MutualAuth ,Ticket=Len=985,Authenticator=EncType=23,Kvno=-1,Len=180]
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos mutual auth required, parsing AP-REQ
ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Kerberos logon error
ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] java.lang.NullPointerException
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup NTLMSSP, MID=16, UID=0, PID=65279
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User logged on (type Normal)
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup NTLMSSP, MID=24, UID=0, PID=65279
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Logged on using NTLMSSP/NTLMv2
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User <username> logged on (type Normal)
DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Allocated UID=0 for VC=[0:0,[<username>:null,Windows XP 3790 Service Pack 2,,<ip address>],Tree=0,Searches=0]
01-05-2009 09:25 AM
01-05-2009 09:52 AM
01-05-2009 12:52 PM
From what I can see it tries to logon using Kerberos first, the it logs on using NTLMv2.
What is it that you want to use, and what files have you (or someone else at you place) changed?
It might be that some files in tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension has been changed from having the sample extension to .xml (and thus is read as part of the config), but no further changes to them have been made.
Try sorting them on "changed date" to see what files have been updated from the default config, then post your config.
I would start with file-servers-custom.xml, ntlm-authentication-context.xml(.sample), chaining-authentication-context.xml(.sample), jaas-authentication-context.xml(.sample)
sample in the above meaning that is their default extension, if .xml only they are read as part of the config for Alfresco.
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