Not sure exactly where the file this error refers to but any help or guidance as to where it would be woud be very useful so I can look to see what the error is.
Error: 2012-08-27 22:03:09,824 ERROR [freemarker.runtime] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-5] Template processing error: "Expression document is undefined on line 48, column 15 in workspace://SpacesStore/e876de7b-02f0-4b31-a042-8b490af43506.
Expression document is undefined on line 48, column 15 in workspace://SpacesStore/e876de7b-02f0-4b31-a042-8b490af43506.
The problematic instruction:
==> ${document.properties.title} [on line 48, column 13 in workspace://SpacesStore/e876de7b-02f0-4b31-a042-8b490af43506]
This is repeated a few times but it's always these two lines causing it.
Thanks all