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Alfresco Share forms: how to define a custom validation-handler for a non-mandatory field?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I have already read the Alfresco documentation as well as the wiki, but still it does not get clear: what's the proper way to define a custom validation-handler for a certain field in an Alfresco Share form?

The problem is that the approach that I found everywhere in the forum always overrides the MANDATORY type, so the validation handler only gets called if the field is set to mandatory="true".

<config evaluator="aspect" condition="my:aspect">
                <show id="my:property" />
                <field id="my:property" mandatory="true">
                        <constraint type="MANDATORY" validation-handler="Alfresco.forms.validation.myValidator" event="keyup" />

But how to define a custom validation-handler for <strong>a field that is not mandatory</strong>? Or else, which is the correct type to choose/override? I tried
instead, but this also does not get called when the user enters something in the form field and the field.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Is Javascript solution acceptable? If it is, you can create/add a form or field validators in your dashlet or component code.
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