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Alfresco Search, SOLR and You!

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I would like to gather some information on how our community is using Search and particularly any advanced SOLR features in Alfresco, and I need your help!

I am looking for information on any of the following topics:
a) if Alfresco Share Search functionality currently works well enough for your needs, if not what are you main pain points?
b) how you have customised (or replaced) Alfresco Share Search functionality to better suit your needs?
c) any custom client UIs that has been built to leverage the SOLR features that we do not currently expose in standard Alfresco Share (completely new application or new Share page or anything else)
d) what would you like to see in the future for search in Alfresco?

Any information, case-studies or stories our helpful community users can provide (good or bad!!) would be really appreciated.

You can either:
. Post the responses here if you are happy to expose the information
. Post them to me as a private message directly
. Send them to my email address: kevin dot roast at

I will treat all private responses as such and of course feel free to remove any company specific information as you see fit.

Thanks in advance,


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Hi Kevin,

It's been a while SOLR is being introduced and it's features are really impressive but I really do not have much success with SOLR because of following issues.

1) SOLR synchronization issues which comes up now and then.
2) SOLR licensing issue which was there in 4.0.x versions had impact its image very badly.
3) From my personal experience whenever I have added huge amount of data in alfresco and after doing customization at some phase I face issues related to SOLR and I really have no idea how to get though it(most of the times) So, I had to switch to LUCENE again.
4) I feel there is also lack of use-case demonstration of advance SOLR features which can be used in Alfresco.

This has been my story so far with SOLR. SOLR is powerful no doubt about it but it's just all of above points acting as major hurdle in its proliferation.