I tried to install the alfresco4.0c sdk on Eclipse (indigo or Helios). I download tthe relatied sdk zip file. when i imported the sdk in eclipse, I did the necessary actions to add the javasources for the the projetc SDK AlfrescoEmbedded and SDK AlfrescoRemote.
I have no error for these two projets. For the remaining projects (SDK Basic AMP, SDK CustoActions ….), I have many errors.
For the sdk CustomAction, in the LoggerActionExecutor.java, I have The import org.alfresco.service cannot be resolve.
For the public class DemoComponent extends AbstractModuleComponent ind DemoComponent.java (SDK Basic AMP) I have the following error
The type org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
My java path seems to be bad. i tried many things without success
How can i fix this problems ?
Thank you