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Alfresco in the Cloud on Amazon Marketplace

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am succesfully running an Alfresco Community Edition on a reserved EC2 instance.

I have recently noticed an official "Alfresco In The Cloud" in the AWS marketplace, whose pricing is lower than my dedicated EC2 instance. So I am thinking about switching to this solution if the following mandatory features are present:

<li>custom model and aspect and full customization trough .amp</li>
<li>use of web quick start</li>
<li>file transfer</li>

More in general, in which parts this Amazon SaaS differs from the existing Alfresco in the cloud or an Alfresco Enterprise Edition ?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
The entry for "Alfresco in the Cloud" in the AWS Marketplace points to the Alfresco-hosted SaaS offering known as "Alfresco in the cloud" and running at Therefore it has no custom model, web quick start is not available, and has no file transfer. Your data is backed up, however.

Alfresco lists their entry in the AWS marketplace because they use Amazon EC2 and other Amazon sub-systems to run Alfresco in the cloud.
