We have a running alfresco 4.0 system, with Lucene searching engine, and we'd like to migrate to new 5.x version. We are trying to instruct alfresco to use solr, and we are using this guide:
HTTP Status 500 - Severe errors in solr configuration. Check your log files for more detailed information on what may be wrong. If you want solr to continue after configuration errors, change: <abortOnConfigurationError>false</abortOnConfigurationError> in null ————————————————————- org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: No system property or default value specified for enable.alfresco.tracking at org.apache.solr.common.util.DOMUtil.substituteProperty(DOMUtil.java:311) at <snipped>
You could just migrate to the required version of Alfresco and rebuild your index there. For Alfresco 5.0 you should go to SOLR 4 anyway.
It looks like you have hit a bug - unless you have other cores defined in solr.xml in <SOLR_HOME> You could go to 4.1 or 4.2 if you want to try on 4.x.