Hello everyone,
The company I'm working for plans to create a user community web platform. Here is what needs to be possible :
- Management of users withs groups
- Ranking between users (with a vote between users, a kind of "like" or "+1")
- Integration of e-learning tools (Moodle for instance ?)
- Direct inscription to courses with a calendar
- Activity tracking (alert for new content, tracking of files and connections)
I have an other possibility, Drupal, but I don't know which of these two possibility suits best to my project. Perhaps someone can help me, I need to know if Alfresco can do all the things I enumerated. The things is that I don't know if Drupal is good to manage the data, but I don't know if Alfresco can be efficient for the "web part"…
I've read that another solution is to use Alfresco for a repository, and Drupal for the web service, but I don't know if it is a good idea, because it can mean too much work (instead of one new tool to learn and maintain, we will have two)…
Thanks for the Help,
PS: I'm sorry for my English, it is not my best language^^