10-30-2010 09:13 AM
<%– Primary column for details view mode –%>
<a:column id="modVersion1" primary="true" width="100" style="padding:2px;text-align:left">
<f:facet name="header">
<a:sortLink label="#{msg.version}" value="versionLabel" mode="case-insensitive" styleClass="header" />
<h:outputText id="modVersion1-txt" value="#{r.versionLabel}"/>
<a:column id="col3" style="text-align:left">
<f:facet name="header">
<a:sortLink label="#{msg.author}" value="author" styleClass="header" />
<h:outputText id="author" value="#{r.author}" />
10-31-2010 11:06 PM
node.addPropertyResolver('author', this.resolverAuthor);
In browse.jsp
Node: define param author and create method resolverAuthor the same other property in BrowseBean.java11-02-2010 04:45 AM
11-02-2010 09:50 PM
Get list tasks in process:
value="#{WorkflowBean.taskToDo}" var="r"
Get status:
Note: bpm:status is param defined for workflow11-03-2010 04:11 AM
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