Has anyone gotten /alfresco/cmisatom to work properly behind an HTTPS proxy?
Using a connection URL with https:// the session appears to get created, but then any subsequent call (like a session.getObjectByPath( ) for a known, root folder) fails, and it appears that the client (Apache Chemistry 0.7 with Alfresco Extension) is sending the request as HTTP not HTTPS.
I can successfully browse /alfresco (explorer), and I can successfully use Share via the https proxy with all my browsers. Something seems strange with the opencmis library that it's not sticking with the secured protocol and the proxy-server is basically sending back a 302 to tell it that it's got the wrong address (which it generally true).
This is probably because OpenCMIS, by default, generates absolute urls in the service document based on the incoming request. Behind a proxy, these generated urls will be incorrect. See http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@chemistry.apache.org/msg01759.html for an approach to overcoming this.
Do you know if we can use the filter referenced safely in the alfresco webapp? I have to double check my 4.0 install, because I somehow remember it having opencmis 0.6 installed (if that's being used at all). I do pass the headers already, so it would be perfect if I just had to configure the filter.