Hello, I am trying the free Alfresco cloud service and it is very very good.
I have a need: before Alfresco I was using gmail as a "repository". So I have a gmail "folder" with a lot of emails with attachments. I am interested in a way to put all these attachments in Alfresco cloud. Have you any ideas/suggestions for me?
You need to 'gem install mail' and then save a copy of the script locally. Set it executable and then edit the file (probably worth doing that in it's own folder since that's where the attachments will be downloaded). FYI I'm running OSX.
Edit the top of the file and modify the username, password and the label variables to be 'Download' and 'Downloaded' (that's what I set anyway).
I then went into my gmail and tagged a few mails with attachments with the label 'Download' matching my script. Also, created the label 'Downloaded'.
You just need to set the correct username / password and make sure the labels are exact (case sensitive). You also need imap enabled in your gmail settings.
Running the script pulled down the attachments.
Once you have a local folder containing the attachments you can upload them into Alfresco Cloud by drag and drop into your sites document library (I recommend Chrome for this). Or, if you have an enterprise subscription you can mount your Alfresco Cloud site and just copy and paste the files into your mounted drive.
PS. Remember to clear out the password from your ruby script after you've finished with this. Not cool having passwords in script files.