Hi there
Something really strange started to happen to our Alfresco CE configuration since 01/01/2015. We realized that the system was down and when we were checking why, surprise!! the HDD was full!. We left the HDD in 31/12/2014 with 20GB/150GB and the 1st of January we got it to 150GB/150GB.
We realize that if we go to the alf_data/contentstore folders we have lots of *.bin files per minute in every alf_data/content_store/2015/1/day/hour/minute….. We have increased the HDD dinamically to 160 and restarted Alfresco, which worked fine, to check what those *.bin files were… however we are not able to find them neither using the UI, nor FTP.
If we remove the content using linux command line in alf_data/content_store/2015/1/day/hour/minute, and restart alfresco, HDD gets full back again in just few hours… even nobady is working with Alfresco.
Any ideas about how we can drive this situation?
Thanks a lot!!
We use Alfresco CE 3.0b under Ubuntu Server 12 and MysQL 5.