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Alfresco auto-populates content in alf_data/contentstore

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi there

Something really strange started to happen to our Alfresco CE configuration since 01/01/2015. We realized that the system was down and when we were checking why, surprise!! the HDD was full!. We left the HDD in 31/12/2014 with 20GB/150GB and the 1st of January we got it to 150GB/150GB.

We realize that if we go to the alf_data/contentstore folders we have lots of *.bin files per minute in every alf_data/content_store/2015/1/day/hour/minute….. We have increased the HDD dinamically to 160 and restarted Alfresco, which worked fine, to check what those *.bin files were… however we are not able to find them neither using the UI, nor FTP.

If we remove the content using linux command line in alf_data/content_store/2015/1/day/hour/minute, and restart alfresco, HDD gets full back again in just few hours… even nobady is working with Alfresco.

Any ideas about how we can drive this situation?

Thanks a lot!!
We use Alfresco CE 3.0b under Ubuntu Server 12 and MysQL 5.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You shouldn't fiddle with the files in the content store directly.  You will probably delete some important content.   In the short term you should get more disk.

What is eating up your disk is a bit of a mystery but its either going to be stuff you need or stuff you are writing now.   I suspect your alfresco server is not as idle as you think.