Hi there,
I am going to describe how I got it working on Windows XP 32-bit as I encountered a lot of problems – in the form of a mail-out I send to some team members on the topic. BTW, The Alfresco Tomcat WAR is once again available as a download for Alfresco Enterprise 3.3.4!
—> snip <—
Hi everyone,
As you probably know, Windows Community releases after 3.4 and Windows Enterprise releases after 3.3.3 are now installed a Windows services. So, unless you've worked with Windows-service-based Tomcat instances, you might not know how to run and debug Alfresco in these instances. Here's what works for me:
a. How to start of an Alfresco service install on a 32-bit environment (XP)
Some of us here at AU have not been able to start Alfresco out-of-the-box on 32-bit XP systems – we keep getting OutOfMemory heap or perm-gen errors. So fix them, try the following:
1. Install Alfresco using default settings.
2. Open a command-prompt.
3. Go to c:\alfresco\tomcat\bin.
4. Type 'tomcat6w.exe //ES//alfrescoTomcat' (to edit the settings of this service)
5. Go to 'Java' tab of the resulting dialog box.
6. Replace default Java options with the following:
b. How to debug Alfresco service installs remotely in Eclipse
In UNIX, as well as older, versions of Alfresco, you can remotely debug your applications by starting up Tomcat using the:
catalina jpda start
command and settings a number of environment variables. This doesn't work in Windows service-based Tomcat installs, however, since the service acts as a proxy and maintains its own property values.
In order to enable remote debugging in an Alfresco instance which is installed as a Windows service, you need to do the following:
1. Open a command shell.
2. Go to 'c:\alfresco\tomcat\bin'
3. Type 'tomcat6w.exe //ES//alfrescoTomcat'.
4. Go to 'Java' tab of resulting dialog box.
5. Add the following values to the end of the 'Java Options' text area:
6. Restart Tomcat by typing the following:
> c:\alfresco\servicerun.bat STOP
> c:\alfresco\servicerun.bat START
That's it. You will now be able to remotely debug your applications from within Eclipse.