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Alfresco 3.2r2 and CAS with LDAP, SEVER: Error filterStart

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I installed Alfresco 3.2r2 and it works fine.
Now I would like to authenticate users using an already up&running CAS server, wich retrives users from an LDAP server. I've setup it as said in, I'm not using mod_jk as mod_jk should not be necessary.

On tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/web.xml I have added:

<!– CAS client filter –>
    <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>
<!– end of CAS client filter –>

     <filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>
     <description>Authentication filter mapped only to faces URLs. Other URLs generally use proprietary means to talk to the AuthenticationComponent</description>
     <!– filter-class>org.alfresco.repo.web.filter.beans.BeanProxyFilter</filter-class>
     </init-param –>

     <!– For Novell IChain support use the following filter –>

<!– CAS client filter-mapping –>
    <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>
<!– end of CAS client filter-mapping –>

This are the libs I have:


SSL keys are in the trust-stores, web.xml have https enabled with it's server key and the trus-store as tomcat start-up parametre.

When I start Alfresco I get this log:

31/03/2010 17:27:11 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-41443
31/03/2010 17:27:11 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 1356 ms
31/03/2010 17:27:11 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
31/03/2010 17:27:11 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
31/03/2010 17:27:13 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext addApplicationListener
INFO: The listener "org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener" is already configured for this context. The duplicate definition has been ignored.
17:27:20,216  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:20,225  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
17:27:20,225  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from URL [file:/var/opt/alfresco-3.2r2ce/tomcat/shared/classes/]
17:27:20,334  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:41,783  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema managed by database dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect.
17:27:42,704  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] No changes were made to the schema.
17:27:43,122  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'sysAdmin' subsystem, ID: [sysAdmin, default]
17:27:43,147  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:43,149  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'sysAdmin' subsystem, ID: [sysAdmin, default] complete
17:27:46,659 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'thirdparty' subsystem, ID: [thirdparty, default]
17:27:46,689 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:47,424 UserSmiley Frustratedystem WARN  [alfresco.util.OpenOfficeConnectionTester] An initial OpenOffice connection could not be established.
17:27:47,425 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'thirdparty' subsystem, ID: [thirdparty, default] complete
17:27:47,635  INFO  [repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: /var/opt/alfresco-3.2r2ce/data
17:27:47,704  INFO  [admin.patch.PatchExecuter] Checking for patches to apply …
17:27:48,369  INFO  [admin.patch.PatchExecuter] No patches were required.
17:27:48,372 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Found 0 module(s).
17:27:48,410  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'fileServers' subsystem, ID: [fileServers, default]
17:27:48,435  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:49,243  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, alfrescoNtlm1]
17:27:49,254  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:49,334  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, alfrescoNtlm1] complete
17:27:49,400  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'fileServers' subsystem, ID: [fileServers, default] complete
17:27:49,400  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'imap' subsystem, ID: [imap, default]
17:27:49,440  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:49,472  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'imap' subsystem, ID: [imap, default] complete
17:27:49,474  INFO  [repo.usage.UserUsageTrackingComponent] Enabled - calculate missing user usages …
17:27:49,497  INFO  [repo.usage.UserUsageTrackingComponent] Found 0 users to recalculate
17:27:49,497  INFO  [repo.usage.UserUsageTrackingComponent] … calculated missing usages for 0 users
17:27:49,497  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'Synchronization' subsystem, ID: [Synchronization, default]
17:27:49,504  INFO  [alfresco.config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
17:27:49,532  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'Synchronization' subsystem, ID: [Synchronization, default] complete
17:27:49,775  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.6.0_12-b04; maximum heap size 506,313MB
17:27:49,782  INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco started (Community): Current version 3.2.0 (r2 2440) schema 3300 - Originally installed version 3.2.0 (r2 2440) schema 3300
17:28:01,012  INFO  [alfresco.util.OpenOfficeConnectionTester] The OpenOffice connection was re-established.
31/03/2010 17:28:06 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error filterStart
31/03/2010 17:28:06 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context [/alfresco] startup failed due to previous errors
17:28:06,995  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopping 'Synchronization' subsystem, ID: [Synchronization, default]
17:28:06,995  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopped 'Synchronization' subsystem, ID: [Synchronization, default]
17:28:06,995  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopping 'fileServers' subsystem, ID: [fileServers, default]
17:28:20,089  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopped 'fileServers' subsystem, ID: [fileServers, default]
17:28:20,089  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopping 'imap' subsystem, ID: [imap, default]
17:28:20,089  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopped 'imap' subsystem, ID: [imap, default]
17:28:20,095  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopping 'thirdparty' subsystem, ID: [thirdparty, default]
17:28:20,107  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopped 'thirdparty' subsystem, ID: [thirdparty, default]
17:28:20,108  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopping 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, alfrescoNtlm1]
17:28:20,109  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopped 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, alfrescoNtlm1]
17:28:20,112  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopping 'sysAdmin' subsystem, ID: [sysAdmin, default]
17:28:20,112  INFO  [management.subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Stopped 'sysAdmin' subsystem, ID: [sysAdmin, default]
log4j:ERROR LogMananger.repositorySelector was null likely due to error in class reloading, using NOPLoggerRepository.
31/03/2010 17:28:21 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Deploying web application archive mobile.war
17:28:22,350  INFO  [alfresco.config.JBossEnabledWebApplicationContext] Refreshing org.alfresco.config.JBossEnabledWebApplicationContext@1c340ca: display name [Root WebApplicationContext]; startup date [Wed Mar 31 17:28:22 CEST 2010]; root of context hierarchy
17:28:22,656  INFO  [alfresco.config.JBossEnabledWebApplicationContext] Bean factory for application context [org.alfresco.config.JBossEnabledWebApplicationContext@1c340ca]:
17:28:23,837  INFO  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 22 Web Scripts (+0 failed), 24 URLs
17:28:23,856  INFO  [web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer] Initialised Presentation Web Script Container (in 194.80061ms)
17:28:23,933  INFO  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 40 Web Scripts (+0 failed), 42 URLs
17:28:23,947  INFO  [web.scripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer] Initialised WebFramework Web Script Container (in 88.8157ms)
17:28:23,984  INFO  [] Successfully Initialized Web Framework
31/03/2010 17:28:23 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Deploying web application archive share.war
17:28:27,002  INFO  [] Successfully Initialized Web Framework
31/03/2010 17:28:27 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-41080
31/03/2010 17:28:27 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-41443
31/03/2010 17:28:27 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 75420 ms

The error is:
31/03/2010 17:28:06 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error filterStart
31/03/2010 17:28:06 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context [/alfresco] startup failed due to previous errors

As I found, most common cause of this error is missing the commons-logging library, but I have it. The error is not much explanatory, and I don't know how to print the stack-trace that should help a bit.

Any idea about my mistake? Thanks.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The problem is in the library keembay-alfresco-cas.jar, as if I comment
and it's related lines, Alfresco starts fine.

So I get the sources and rebuild it using eclipse and Alfresco libs that I have, but I get the same result.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I've got the same problem with alfresco 3.3 and CAS.

Do you find the solution ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i think i have the same problem. ref:

does anyone have a running cas setup with version 3.3?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
my SSO with CAS is working now.
I have compiled mod_auth_Cas for my windows environtment like in this explanation
But now i'have the following problem:
Alfresco is renewing the ticket all the time. The only possibility to avoid high server load and working lags is to set the tickettimeout really high. But then you have the problem that  a other user, wich is using the same machine and the same browser, have the user credentials of the last authed user. (until the ticket gets invalid)

Does someone othe have such a problem?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I got 3.2r working with CAS and using that keembay lib, where it does not work at all and produces that severe error is 3.3

Keembay lib failes because the alfresco-core-jar between 3.2r and 3.3 changed drastically, the class is missing this 2 classes:

import org.alfresco.config.ConfigService;
import org.alfresco.i18n.I18NUtil;

I would like to know if someone knows how to replace those imports in 3.3

Also I tried the auth_mod thing, but I can´t, I use tomcat and have SSL and CAS working with a self-signed cert so I'm pretty sure I should be able to skip some steps right? but I'm totally lost when the wiki starts to talk about tomcat mods… I really don't understand that guide, is not generic at all

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I got the same issue… CAS implementation is working with Alfresco 3.2.0 but not wih 3.2r2…

And I don't more understand wikiexplanation about mod_auth module  :cry:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have installed Alfresco enterprise 3.2r. I have doubt where should i deploy the cas war file,in alfresco's tomcat or seperate tomcat bundle? i also want to know whether i have to install LDAP server also.

Can you please what all files i need to change, and how i can establish a connection between the CAS server and Alfresco.

My scenarios:
1) I am working with windows and not Linux. I deployed the cas-server-webapp-3.4.2.war file in a separate instance and it is working fine in browser, but there is no connection with alfresco here.

2) I deployed the cas-server-webapp-3.4.2.war in the Alfresco_home/webapps folder and it gives me a "Connection refused error in Tomcat console" as ("Connection refused: ldap://")

I am referring to this link:,+Alfresco,+SS...

Any kind of suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Ankit, hi everybody!!!

I have an alfresco 3.2r and the cas-server-webapp-3.4.2. For developing and testing purposes you can have them in the same application server. In my case I have both in the webapps directory of the tomcat that comes with that distribution of alfresco.

The cas-server is working against an Active Directory. For doing this I have to change the deployerConfigContext.xml ($ALFRESCO_HOME$/tomcat/webapps/cas-server/WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml) in this way:

    1. Replace the
    <bean class="" /> for 
    <bean class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler" >
                   <property name="filter" value="" />
                   <property name="contextSource" ref="yourContextSource" />
                   <property name="ignorePartialResultException" value="yes" />
    2. Create your own content source source:
    <bean id="yourContextSource" class="">
          <property name="urls">
          <property name="userDn" value="CN=xxxx,…,DC=your,DC=domain,DC=com"/>
          <property name="password" value="xxxx"/>
          <property name="baseEnvironmentProperties">
You also need to put in the classpath of the cas-server ($ALFRESCO_HOME$/tomcat/webapps/cas-server/WEB-INF/lib)the cas-server-support-ldap-3.4.2.jar. Now If you restart the application server you should be able to login in the cas-server application with your active directory users.

In the alfresco server you need to do the next changes in the application's descriptor (($ALFRESCO_HOME$/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/web.xml):

    1. Add the cas filter:
         <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>
    2. Replace the
    3. Put the
            <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>
    just before the
          <filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>
You also need the casclient-2.1.1.jar, keembay-alfresco-cas.jar and the commons-logging-1.1.jar in the alfresco classpath (($ALFRESCO_HOME$/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib, I have tried to put them in the $ALFRESCO_HOME$/tomcat/lib, but it seems not to work…)

In the tomcat server.xml you need to enabled connector element for port 8443:

<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
         maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
         clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
         keystoreFile="C:/Documents and Settings/user/.keystore"
         truststoreFile="C:/JDKS/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/lib/security/cacerts" />

Before this you need a certificate and import it on your own keystore. You could do this with the keytool utility:

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keypass changeit -keyalg RSA
keytool -export -alias tomcat -keypass changeit -file server.crt
keytool -import -file server.crt -keypass changeit -keystore ..\jre\lib\security\cacerts

If you requested the alfresco client http://hostname:8080/alfresco you should be forwarded to the cas-server/login, be autheticated and forwarded to the user's dashboard of alfresco.

At this point, with the 3.2r I have a problem. If I don't put anything on the alfresco throws the next exception: 07110003 Failed to set current user administrator. 
As far I can see the user is authenticated for CAS but it seems that alfresco can not bind the user:
2010-08-11 10:03:02,976 INFO [org.jasig.cas.authentication.AuthenticationManagerImpl] - AuthenticationHandler: org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler successfully authenticated the user which provided the following credentials: [username: administrator]
2010-08-11 10:03:02,992 INFO [org.jasig.cas.CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl] - Granted service ticket [ST-1-UEJwWo1Ma6PL9C3rgX6X-cas] for service [http://guadalajara:8080/alfresco/faces/jsp/dashboards/container.jsp] for user [administrator]

If I enable the external authentication subsystem, this is, in the authentication.chain=external1:external alfresco says:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'localAuthenticationService' defined in file [C:\Portal-FW\plataformaj2ee\entornos\alfresco-community-tomcat-3.2r\tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\subsystems\Authentication\external\external1\external-authentication-context.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'sysAdminParams' while setting bean property 'sysAdminParams'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'sysAdminParams' is defined
caused by:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'sysAdminParams' is defined

I have read in the wiki that this subsystem is part of the enterprise edition, so I'm a little bit confused. I have tried to copy from the 3.2r2 distribution, but it doesn't work…

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Did it worked with 3.2r enterprise edition??? The problem which i am facing now is that when i login with http://localhost:8080/alfresco, it opens the CAS login window. I log into cas with admin/admin, then i am directed to the alfresco web client login page, where i have to login again.

As far as i know SSO does not work like this,once i have logged in through CAS , i should be able to access webclient as well as share. How can i integrate share with SSO. When i login with http://localhost:8080/share , share's login page opens. I haven't done any changes for share. What all changes i need to do , so that share is integrated with SSO.

Even when i logout from alfresco, alfresco's login page opens.

I have reffered the below wiki.

when i add the the following code in titlebar jsp page in $ALFRESCO_HOME /jsp/parts folder and click on login, error is shown informing

javax.faces.FacesException: /jsp/dashboards/container.jsp(58,0) File "/jsp/dashboards/../parts/titlebar.jsp" not found
believe this code helps the user to redirect to CAS page when user logout.

Any ideas or sugestions are welcome..
Thanks in advance..
