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Alfresco 3.2 Community Edition and Oracle, possible?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have several problems making Alfresco 3.2 Community Edition working with Oracle 9i, I've readen in several posts that Community release doesn't support Oracle database, but I'd like to be sure because I've not readen this information from any official source, only from posts in forums like this one

Is it true?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
yes its true.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
… What ist the reason to the "no-Oracle-Support"?

… will the Community Edition have no Oracle Support further more?

When it is not possible to run actual Community Versions with Oracle RDBMS the alfresco-system will die in our company (not oracle)  :!:

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
… What ist the reason to the "no-Oracle-Support"?
It was decided that the Community Edition of Alfresco should only support equivalent "Community" databases. If you want to use Alfresco with a commercial "Enterprise" database then you need to use the Enterprise version of Alfresco.

… will the Community Edition have no Oracle Support further more?
As far as I'm aware, yes - although business decisions do change over time.

When it is not possible to run actual Community Versions with Oracle RDBMS the alfresco-system will die in our company (not oracle)  :!:
That's your choice to make. There are, of course, two more that may not be so disruptive to your users: (i) install MySQL for Alfresco's use or (ii) purchase Alfresco Enterprise to get the extra functionality and support.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
… thats no good news

we have nearly 100 Oracle installation. We won't build know how only to one MySQL Installation

our core DMS is Filenet, Alfresco was only a Plattform to our BICC to manage the dokumentation of the BI and DWH systems. To this, we will not use any commercial Alfresco Lizenz. Now we will step back to filesystem.

Now the point is reached why our management don't like the use of Open Source  :roll:

I think
"It was decided that the Community Edition of Alfresco should only support equivalent "Community" databases"
is the wrong strategie
